2 min

Für Flüchtlinge Asylum in Germany: the difference between refugee status and temporary protection in Germany

Asylum in Germany: the difference between refugee status and temporary protection in Germany

People moving to Germany can be granted refugee status or temporary protection status. However, the benefits and opportunities differ in each case. Find out more about the differences in the rights of refugees with different statuses

07 Okt. 2023

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3 min

Krieg How has the war affected the family life of Ukrainian women?

How has the war affected the family life of Ukrainian women?

The war unleashed by russia has not only shifted priorities and affected the financial and psycho-emotional state of Ukrainians, but also changed the role of women in the family. Find out how life has changed for Ukrainian refugee women, IDPs and military wives in a new Gradus study

07 Okt. 2023

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3 min

Popular Rules for hackers involved in conflicts: will they apply to Ukrainians?

Rules for hackers involved in conflicts: will they apply to Ukrainians?

The International Committee of the Red Cross has introduced rules for hackers participating in global conflicts, including the Russian-Ukrainian war. Read more about the new rules for cyber troops and the reaction of hackers to the innovations

07 Okt. 2023

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3 min

Popular Nobel Week-2023: who got the prizes and what is known about their discoveries

Nobel Week-2023: who got the prizes and what is known about their discoveries

The Nobel Prize is recognised as one of the most prestigious awards in the world of science and culture, and its winners become models of outstanding achievement and an inspiration to others. Find out more about what this year's candidates have surprised the world with

06 Okt. 2023

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1 min

Finance How much money Ukrainians spend in Polish stores: results of a new study

How much money Ukrainians spend in Polish stores: results of a new study

A large number of Ukrainians currently live and work in Poland. Find out more about how much money Ukrainians and citizens of other countries spend in Poland

06 Okt. 2023

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3 min

Krieg The U.S. arms lend-lease is over, and Western weapons and money are running out: how does Ukraine plan to fight russia?

The U.S. arms lend-lease is over, and Western weapons and money are running out: how does Ukraine plan to fight russia?

In October, the U.S. Land-Lease Act for Ukraine officially expired, and NATO warns that the West has almost exhausted its military aid. Find out whether support for Ukraine will continue and what additional options the government has

06 Okt. 2023

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2 min

Transport The most anticipated international trains in Europe to be launched in 2024

The most anticipated international trains in Europe to be launched in 2024

The future of international travel promises to be exciting and sustainable, with a number of new long-distance high-speed trains set to launch in 2024. Find out about 3 of the most anticipated international trains in Europe, which will be launched next year

06 Okt. 2023

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3 min

Popular Wie und warum plant russland die nutzung Abchasiens im krieg mit der Ukraine?

Wie und warum plant russland die nutzung Abchasiens im krieg mit der Ukraine?

Nach dem Treffen von Aslan Bzhania mit putin kündigte dieser die Einrichtung eines Marinestützpunkts in dem von russland besetzten Gebiet Georgiens an. Finden Sie heraus, für welche Zwecke russland Abchasien zu nutzen gedenkt und wie dies mit den Angriffen der Ukraine auf die Krim zusammenhängt

06 Okt. 2023

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