2 min

Krieg How Ukraine repelled the largest missile attack in world history: consequences of russian terror

How Ukraine repelled the largest missile attack in world history: consequences of russian terror

Over the past 5 days, Ukraine has been attacked by more than 500 missiles and UAVs, with one of the attacks becoming the largest in world history. Find out how the country survived the combined massive shelling with the use of hypersonic weapons

03 Jan. 2024

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Changes for Ukrainian refugees in Poland from 2024: what do we know?

Changes for Ukrainian refugees in Poland from 2024: what do we know?

Support programs for refugees from Ukraine are constantly changing, and some of them are being completely canceled by the authorities. Find out what major changes for Ukrainians will take place in Poland in 2024 and what to expect in the near future

02 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Popular Mobilization, new compensation, increased pensions and salaries: what will change in Ukraine from January 1

Mobilization, new compensation, increased pensions and salaries: what will change in Ukraine from January 1

Starting from January 1, 2024, Ukraine will introduce significant changes that will affect various spheres of life. One of the key initiatives is the expansion of mobilization activities and the increase in the minimum wage. Find out more about what will change and what updates to expect

02 Jan. 2024

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1 min

Documents What documents from the TAC do men need to have to travel abroad?

What documents from the TAC do men need to have to travel abroad?

Men are no longer allowed to leave Ukraine without the relevant documents from the TAC. Find out whether the rules for leaving Ukraine have changed and what documents a man who has the right to leave Ukraine needs to have in order to be allowed to go abroad

02 Jan. 2024

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1 min

Popular Where to hand over a Christmas tree for recycling in Kyiv: a list of addresses in all districts

Where to hand over a Christmas tree for recycling in Kyiv: a list of addresses in all districts

It is important to provide an environmentally friendly way to get rid of Christmas trees and promote the recycling of resources. Therefore, if you have a question about where in Kyiv you can hand over your live Christmas tree for recycling, see the full list of addresses in different districts of the city in this article

02 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Veranstaltungen St. Sylvester's Day: traditions in different countries of the world

St. Sylvester's Day: traditions in different countries of the world

January 2 is the day of remembrance of Pope Sylvester I, who, according to legend, was responsible for the conversion of Emperor Constantine. It was this event that changed the course of human history. In particular, St. Sylvester's Day is celebrated in Belgium, Germany, France, Switzerland and other countries. Learn more about the unusual traditions of the holiday

02 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Travel Tourist places that will be closed to visitors in 2024: a list

Tourist places that will be closed to visitors in 2024: a list

A large number of famous sites and attractions will become inaccessible to tourists in 2024. Find out which world places will be temporarily closed for repairs and renovations, and which will close their doors to visitors forever.

01 Jan. 2024

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Veranstaltungen Happy New Year 2024!

Happy New Year 2024!

Today, as the last seconds of the old year have given way to the first moments of the new, the whole world is celebrating the beginning of 2024. This is a special moment that will bring new hopes, opportunities and challenges. Right now, every country, every city and every home is filled with festive mood and faith in a better future

01 Jan. 2024

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