2 min

Popular Tourism in Ukraine: how much money did the tourism industry bring to the state budget in 2023?

Tourism in Ukraine: how much money did the tourism industry bring to the state budget in 2023?

Despite the full-scale invasion of russia, Ukrainian tourism companies continue to operate and pay taxes. Find out which tourism industry brought in the most money and how the statistics have changed compared to 2022 and 2021

19 Aug. 2023

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2 min

Krieg Azov and Radis in formation back to the front: why this is very bad news for russians

Azov and Radis in formation back to the front: why this is very bad news for russians

One of the most famous paramilitary brigades of Ukraine "Azov" returned to the front. Find out where the fighters are carrying out their tasks and what successes they have already achieved

18 Aug. 2023

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3 min

Popular The most common mistakes made by tourists planning a trip to Ukraine

The most common mistakes made by tourists planning a trip to Ukraine

Many tourists make mistakes that can ruin their vacation even at the stage of organizing a trip. Learn more about common mistakes and nuances that can negatively affect your vacation

18 Aug. 2023

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2 min

Transport Ukrzaliznytsia canceled some trains to Przemyśl: what is the reason and what changes are planned

Ukrzaliznytsia canceled some trains to Przemyśl: what is the reason and what changes are planned

Polish Railways will begin planned infrastructure repairs in Przemyśl in early September. This will cause temporary changes in the train schedule. Find out more about the new trains planned and the schedule

18 Aug. 2023

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3 min

Der Weg zum Sieg What opportunities does the liberation of Urozhayne open up for Ukraine?

What opportunities does the liberation of Urozhayne open up for Ukraine?

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has announced that the Ukrainian Armed Forces have liberated Urozhayne in Donetsk Oblast. Find out why the loss of the settlement is critical for russia and what opportunities are now open for Ukraine

18 Aug. 2023

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2 min

Travel New strikes at the end of August: delays and cancellations of Wizz Air flights

New strikes at the end of August: delays and cancellations of Wizz Air flights

In August, Wizz Air will be hit by a series of new strikes that could cause huge disruption for passengers. Find out more about where delays and cancellations are expected

18 Aug. 2023

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1 min

Finance Ukrainians abroad will be able to receive pensions by postal transfers: details

Ukrainians abroad will be able to receive pensions by postal transfers: details

Ukrainians who have found refuge abroad, in particular in Poland, will be able to receive pensions and other state benefits by international postal transfer. Find out more about how to use the new service

17 Aug. 2023

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2 min

Travel Ryanair launches new flights in European countries in the fall: details

Ryanair launches new flights in European countries in the fall: details

Ryanair plans to launch several new flights in the fall. Find out more about the new destinations from which European cities are planned

17 Aug. 2023

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