2 min

Popular Rating of safe apps and services: which Ukrainian websites and apps showed the best results?

Rating of safe apps and services: which Ukrainian websites and apps showed the best results?

Internews Ukraine presented an analysis of the privacy policies of popular Ukrainian apps and websites. Find out which services are most concerned about protecting the personal data of their users

01 Aug. 2023

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3 min

Travel Wonders of Poland: which locations won the National Geographic competition in 2023?

Wonders of Poland: which locations won the National Geographic competition in 2023?

The results of the Wonders of Poland 2023 survey conducted by National Geographic Traveler magazine have been announced. Find out which 16 locations were included in the list of winners and what is special about these places

01 Aug. 2023

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1 min

Finance Ukrainians can get 25 thousand euros for business: who can participate in the grant program

Ukrainians can get 25 thousand euros for business: who can participate in the grant program

A grant program with funding of 750,000 dollars has been launched for Ukrainian entrepreneurs. In total, the funds are intended for 30 companies. Learn more about what criteria a company must meet to receive funds

31 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Für Flüchtlinge Applications for Dobry Start financial aid for schoolchildren start in Poland: how to receive payment

Applications for Dobry Start financial aid for schoolchildren start in Poland: how to receive payment

Since the beginning of August, Ukrainians have been able to apply for the "300+" (Dobry Start) allowance for children. Find out more about how to apply for the benefit

31 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Travel How to get to Ukraine from Denmark: convenient routes by car or plane + train/bus

How to get to Ukraine from Denmark: convenient routes by car or plane + train/bus

The lack of air travel reduces the number of options for getting to Ukraine. However, the country's land borders are open, so we have prepared convenient routes to enter from Denmark

31 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Popular What foreigners buy in Ukraine: how symbols of Ukrainian resilience have replaced ordinary souvenirs

What foreigners buy in Ukraine: how symbols of Ukrainian resilience have replaced ordinary souvenirs

In the past, foreigners most often bought small souvenirs to remember Ukraine, but today the demand has grown for a different category of goods. Find out what foreigners are buying in Ukraine and what is the reason for these changes

31 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Der Weg zum Sieg How many Ukrainians plan to build a future in Ukraine and what challenges do they expect the country to face in its postwar reconstruction?

How many Ukrainians plan to build a future in Ukraine and what challenges do they expect the country to face in its postwar reconstruction?

Ukraine faces a difficult path of post-war reconstruction with many challenges. Find out how many Ukrainian citizens see their future in the country and what problems the country is likely to face after the war

31 Jul. 2023

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2 min

Transport eCherha for passenger buses and cars will start operating in Ukraine on August 1

eCherha for passenger buses and cars will start operating in Ukraine on August 1

Starting from August 1, cars and passenger vehicles will be able to cross the border with Poland using the eCherha service. Find out more about how to sign up for the electronic queue online

30 Jul. 2023

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