1 min

For refugees Ukrainians to be accommodated in equestrian centre in Ireland: details

Ukrainians to be accommodated in equestrian centre in Ireland: details

From now on, Ukrainian refugees in Ireland will be able to find a home in an equestrian centre that has been converted to accommodate Ukrainians. Find out more about the conditions at the equestrian centre and what is known so far

01 Jun. 2023

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3 min

War Children's Day: how the war in Ukraine affects their rights and safety

Children's Day: how the war in Ukraine affects their rights and safety

Every year on June 1, the whole world celebrates Children's Day. However, young Ukrainians continue to suffer from the brutal war. Learn more about how the war has affected children in Ukraine and the history of International Children's Day

01 Jun. 2023

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2 min

Travel Things you didn't know about Lviv: unusual facts about the city

Things you didn't know about Lviv: unusual facts about the city

Lviv is not only a city of a thousand lions, museums, and coffee, but some facts about it may surprise even native Lvivites. Learn more about modern and atypical Lviv with us

01 Jun. 2023

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2 min

War Ukraine's seized wealth: how much did russia take and what are the consequences?

Ukraine's seized wealth: how much did russia take and what are the consequences?

The russian army has occupied a large number of Ukrainian territories rich in mineral resources. Find out more about how this has affected Ukraine's economy, the amount of damage and why the deposits may be lost forever

01 Jun. 2023

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2 min

Documents Driver's licence without an exam: Lithuania has simplified the rules for document exchange for Ukrainians

Driver's licence without an exam: Lithuania has simplified the rules for document exchange for Ukrainians

From now on, Ukrainians in Lithuania do not need to pass exams to exchange their driving licence. Find out more about the simplified procedure and what documents are required

01 Jun. 2023

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2 min

Way to Victory Ukrainian Armed Forces counteroffensive: what Ukrainians will consider a victory

Ukrainian Armed Forces counteroffensive: what Ukrainians will consider a victory

Recent statements by Ukrainian authorities have led to an even more heated discussion of the counteroffensive, as they indicate that the operation has already begun. Find out what Ukrainians will consider a victory and whether they agree to the 2022 borders

01 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Culture Ukrainian and Russian: how similar are the two languages or differences between them

Ukrainian and Russian: how similar are the two languages or differences between them

The narrative of fraternal peoples promoted by the russian is actively spreading around the world. However, the "language issue" shatters the idea of brotherhood, because our languages have completely different etymologies and symbolism. Find out what is the fundamental difference between Ukrainian and russian and why brotherhood is a myth

31 May. 2023

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1 min

War Conscription age cut to 25 in Ukraine: What will change and how will it affect mobilisation

Conscription age cut to 25 in Ukraine: What will change and how will it affect mobilisation

The conscription age in Ukraine has been lowered from 27 to 25. The purpose of this decision is to lower the age limit for citizens on the military register. Find out what will change for conscripts and how the Defence Ministry explains it

31 May. 2023

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