2 min

Popular Who invented Ukraine: debunking popular theories spread by russia

Who invented Ukraine: debunking popular theories spread by russia

The Austrian General Staff or Lenin: who does the russian government think created Ukraine? Find out more about the origins of the myths spread by the kremlin and why they cannot decide who "invented" Ukraine

27 Mai. 2023

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Documents How to refuse a subsidy remotely: instructions for Ukrainians

How to refuse a subsidy remotely: instructions for Ukrainians

Citizens who received a housing subsidy in Ukraine but now live abroad can refuse assistance remotely. Find out more about how to refuse benefits while outside the country

27 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Travel Kyiv is the invincible capital of Ukraine: top tours for the city day

Kyiv is the invincible capital of Ukraine: top tours for the city day

Kyiv Day 2023 falls on the last Sunday of May. On this day, you should take a walk around the Ukrainian capital and get inspired by the city's beauty. Here are some interesting tours for a small but colorful trip

26 Mai. 2023

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Für Flüchtlinge Ukrainians in Germany: what opportunities citizens without temporary protection have

Ukrainians in Germany: what opportunities citizens without temporary protection have

Ukrainians who have recently moved to Germany have different rights than those who left at the beginning of the war. Find out more about how to stay in the country for more than 90 days and other options available to citizens without temporary protection

26 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Mythology Zeus and Perun, Dionysus and Yarilo: what connects Slavic gods with Greek ones

Zeus and Perun, Dionysus and Yarilo: what connects Slavic gods with Greek ones

The similarities between Slavic pagan gods and Ancient Greek gods can be seen in some aspects of their functions and attributes. They share similar traits, representing strength and fighting spirit. Learn about the uniqueness of each of these mythologies

26 Mai. 2023

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Popular Made in Ukraine: Ukrainian designers and brands that are talked about all over the world

Made in Ukraine: Ukrainian designers and brands that are talked about all over the world

The last decade has seen a breakthrough in the development of the Ukrainian fashion industry. Find out which Ukrainian designers and brands have gained international recognition and how they are helping on their home front

26 Mai. 2023

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Popular How does Kyiv live today and what has changed in the capital after more than a year of war?

How does Kyiv live today and what has changed in the capital after more than a year of war?

With the advent of warming weather, the capital has felt alive. But from time to time, the idyll is shattered by an air raid warning, and at night the city periodically shudders from explosions. Find out how Kyiv residents live now

26 Mai. 2023

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Veranstaltungen European Neighborhood Day is a date intended to symbolize the unity of people around the world: what is the paradox?

European Neighborhood Day is a date intended to symbolize the unity of people around the world: what is the paradox?

The international holiday - European Neighborhood Day - is considered to be a symbol of tolerant attitude towards those who live next door to you. Find out why this holiday has become a trigger for Ukrainians

26 Mai. 2023

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