2 min

Ausbildung More freedom and the abolition of part-time education: changes in the higher education system are being prepared in Ukraine

More freedom and the abolition of part-time education: changes in the higher education system are being prepared in Ukraine

Ukraine is preparing to introduce significant changes in higher education. According to the new draft law, higher education will be adapted to European standards, and students will have much more opportunities for their education and choice. Find out more about what will change and when the updates will come into force

24 Okt. 2023

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1 min

Krieg Men want to allow men to leave Ukraine for money: how it will work and at what stage of the bill

Men want to allow men to leave Ukraine for money: how it will work and at what stage of the bill

The Verkhovna Rada has registered a bill to amend the rules for crossing the border during martial law. The document proposes to allow all men to travel abroad. Find out what conditions are offered to persons liable for military duty

24 Okt. 2023

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Documents Multiple citizenship in Ukraine: what is known about the draft law

Multiple citizenship in Ukraine: what is known about the draft law

Ukrainians may be eligible for multiple citizenship, but not all and only under certain conditions. Find out at what stage the draft law is and why the government is introducing such changes

24 Okt. 2023

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3 min

Regeln für die Einreise Aktuelle regeln für die Einreise in die Ukraine: grenzübertritt, erforderliche dokumente, visumspflicht, einschränkungen

Aktuelle regeln für die Einreise in die Ukraine: grenzübertritt, erforderliche dokumente, visumspflicht, einschränkungen

Ukrainer, ausländische Staatsbürger und Staatenlose können während des Krieges frei in das Hoheitsgebiet der Ukraine einreisen, unterliegen jedoch bestimmten Einschränkungen. Erfahren Sie alles über die aktuellen Regeln für den Grenzübertritt in die Ukraine und die erforderlichen Dokumente

24 Okt. 2023

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2 min

Krieg How does Ukraine and the CIA wage war against russia?

How does Ukraine and the CIA wage war against russia?

The cooperation between the SBU and the CIA has become a real shadow war against russia, with dozens of special operations conducted in russia. Find out more details about this cooperation and what operations Ukraine has conducted with the support of the CIA

24 Okt. 2023

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2 min

Transport Ukrainians have been simplified the transfer to Vienna and back: updated route

Ukrainians have been simplified the transfer to Vienna and back: updated route

Travelers who are going to travel to Vienna in the near future or return from the Austrian capital via Hungary have been asked to transfer by Kyiv-Vienna-Kyiv and Vienna-Chop-Vienna cars. Find out more about how to get there now

23 Okt. 2023

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2 min

Popular Permanent residence in Canada: a new migration program for Ukrainians came into effect on October 23, 2023

Permanent residence in Canada: a new migration program for Ukrainians came into effect on October 23, 2023

The Government of Canada has launched a new migration program for Ukrainian citizens to obtain permanent residence. Find out who can apply, whether you can move to Canada under the new program with your family, and other important details

23 Okt. 2023

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2 min

Travel Deutsche in der Ukraine: Warum kommen Ausländer aus Deutschland auch während des krieges in die Ukraine?

Deutsche in der Ukraine: Warum kommen Ausländer aus Deutschland auch während des krieges in die Ukraine?

In der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2023 sind mehr als 26.000 Ausländer aus Deutschland in die Ukraine eingereist. Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wer sie sind und warum sie trotz aller Risiken, die mit der russischen Invasion verbunden sind, in die Ukraine kommen

23 Okt. 2023

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