2 min

War Potassium iodide: what it is and why it is dangerous even in preventive doses

Potassium iodide: what it is and why it is dangerous even in preventive doses

Against the backdrop of radiation hazards, including the possibility of nuclear accidents or explosions, potassium iodide is a topic of interest because of its ability to protect the thyroid gland from absorbing radioactive iodine. Find out what the consequences can be from self-medication and when to take it

30 Jun. 2023

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2 min

Popular Deepstate map review: what's happening at the front and how the outcome of the counteroffensive may affect the West's attitude to Ukraine

Deepstate map review: what's happening at the front and how the outcome of the counteroffensive may affect the West's attitude to Ukraine

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have seized the strategic initiative and are advancing in almost all areas of the frontline. Find out what the map of the fighting looks like today, and how the world is reacting to the first month of Ukraine's announced counteroffensive and its prospects

30 Jun. 2023

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3 min

War The collapse of russia is no longer a dream, but a reality: how Prigozhin's mutiny changed the world's perception of the likely future of russia

The collapse of russia is no longer a dream, but a reality: how Prigozhin's mutiny changed the world's perception of the likely future of russia

Prigozhin's military rebellion made world leaders see a different, real russia. Find out what experts predict for the future of russia and how the wagnerian uprising will turn out for putin

30 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Popular Welcome to Ukraine: the top hikes that will impress even the most experienced tourists

Welcome to Ukraine: the top hikes that will impress even the most experienced tourists

Ukraine impresses with its amazing nature: majestic mountain ranges, clear lakes and picturesque forests. We offer exciting hikes that allow you to enjoy this beauty. Find out about unique tours and discover the unique nature of Ukraine

29 Jun. 2023

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1 min

For refugees Increased payments and simplified car inspection: how Ukrainians are changing the rules in EU countries

Increased payments and simplified car inspection: how Ukrainians are changing the rules in EU countries

Ukrainian refugees are adapting the laws of other countries to their needs, forcing millions of people to force the authorities to make new changes to the rules. Find out how Ukrainian refugees protect their rights abroad

29 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Travel How to save money on your next vacation

How to save money on your next vacation

Whether you have a big budget or a limited one, it's always a good idea to plan your expenses while traveling. Here are the top 6 tips to help you save money while on vacation

29 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Way to Victory What does Ukraine expect from the NATO summit and what are the obstacles?

What does Ukraine expect from the NATO summit and what are the obstacles?

There are less than two weeks left before the long-awaited summit in Vilnius, where Ukraine's fate as a member of the Alliance will be decided. Find out what Ukraine expects from the summit and what obstacles exist on the way to NATO

29 Jun. 2023

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2 min

War Which russian generals are involved in the Prigozhin mutiny and how can this help Ukraine?

Which russian generals are involved in the Prigozhin mutiny and how can this help Ukraine?

U.S. officials have claimed that russian military commanders were involved in the Prigozhin mutiny. Find out who knew in advance about the planning of the uprising and what impact it could have on the war in Ukraine

29 Jun. 2023

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