1 min

Veranstaltungen World Humanist Day: the history of the holiday and humanism in the modern world

World Humanist Day: the history of the holiday and humanism in the modern world

Humanism is a philosophical movement that prioritizes universal values, human rights to happiness, freedom, and personal development. Find out more about how Humanist Day is celebrated and how the world feels its crisis

21 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Popular The most common stereotypes about Ukrainians in Europe: dispelling myths

The most common stereotypes about Ukrainians in Europe: dispelling myths

russian authorities use propaganda not only on the battlefield. Learn about the 4 most common stereotypes designed to humiliate and discredit Ukrainians in the EU, which are actively promoted by russia

21 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Documents How a foreigner can get or renew an identification code in Ukraine: detailed instructions

How a foreigner can get or renew an identification code in Ukraine: detailed instructions

An identification code is an important document because without it, it is impossible to buy real estate, open a bank account, or register a business. Find out how to get an identification code for a foreigner and what you need to do

20 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Regeln für die Einreise Entry to Ukraine from the UK: rules for obtaining a Ukrainian visa for foreigners

Entry to Ukraine from the UK: rules for obtaining a Ukrainian visa for foreigners

British citizens can stay in Ukraine for up to 90 days within 180 days without a visa. At the same time, foreigners can apply for one of the visas, depending on the purpose of their stay in the country. Learn more about the types of Ukrainian visas and the process of obtaining a document

20 Jun. 2023

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2 min

Der Weg zum Sieg What are the attitudes of Ukrainians towards the Verkhovna Rada and the President: survey results

What are the attitudes of Ukrainians towards the Verkhovna Rada and the President: survey results

The government during martial law plays a crucial role in stabilizing the economic and political situation in the country. Find out how Ukrainians feel about the current Verkhovna Rada and the President of Ukraine and what percentage of the population wants to see changes after the victory

20 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Popular Refugee Day: How War Provoked One of Europe's Largest Migrations

Refugee Day: How War Provoked One of Europe's Largest Migrations

Every year, on June 20, the world recognizes the courage and strength of people who have been forced to flee their home countries. Find out more about how the war in Ukraine has led to one of the largest migration waves

20 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Krieg African peacekeepers' visit to Ukraine and russia: what did they want and what did they achieve?

African peacekeepers' visit to Ukraine and russia: what did they want and what did they achieve?

The visit of African representatives from 7 countries to Zelenskyy and putin is an unprecedented historical event. Learn about the purpose and results of the visit and what will change for Ukraine

20 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Arbeit Germany is facing a shortage of workers: who is being sought and what vacancies are open

Germany is facing a shortage of workers: who is being sought and what vacancies are open

Germany is facing a shortage of qualified specialists in various fields. Last year, employers in the country were unable to fill more than 600 thousand vacancies. Find out more about who is being sought and for what jobs

19 Jun. 2023

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