3 min

Events Why did the world allow nuclear blackmail and what is the function of the UN Security Council?

Why did the world allow nuclear blackmail and what is the function of the UN Security Council?

June 19 is the day when the UN Security Council adopted a resolution on security assurances for non-nuclear-weapon states. Find out what this resolution was supposed to guarantee and how russia is now disregarding international law and institutions

19 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Popular Failed holiday season in Crimea: why beaches and hotels on the peninsula are empty

Failed holiday season in Crimea: why beaches and hotels on the peninsula are empty

Some Crimean hotels have not even opened due to lack of bookings, and there are almost no people on the beaches. Find out more about what is happening in Crimea and why the holiday season on the peninsula has not started

19 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Transport Czech Republic launches unlimited train passes for summer: ticket prices

Czech Republic launches unlimited train passes for summer: ticket prices

The Czech Republic has announced the launch of unlimited train travel in the summer. Find out how much a ticket costs

18 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Events Father's Day: the history of the holiday and its special meaning for Ukrainian fathers

Father's Day: the history of the holiday and its special meaning for Ukrainian fathers

Father's Day is an international holiday that has a special meaning in Ukraine as well. Learn more about the essence of this day and why this holiday is dedicated not only to those who gave us life

18 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Travel Gastronomic tours in Ukraine: where to visit and what to try

Gastronomic tours in Ukraine: where to visit and what to try

On June 18, the world celebrates Sustainable Gastronomy Day. It promotes respect for the environment, local traditions, and sustainable food production. We share a selection of food tours in Ukraine that are worth visiting and enjoying

18 Jun. 2023

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1 min

For refugees How Ukrainians can refuse temporary protection in European countries (Part I)

How Ukrainians can refuse temporary protection in European countries (Part I)

Refugees from Ukraine who have taken refuge in Europe since the beginning of the full-scale war continue to return home. Here's how to refuse temporary protection in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland and the UK

18 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Culture Popularizing Ukraine: Ukrainian brands working with ethnic themes

Popularizing Ukraine: Ukrainian brands working with ethnic themes

A return to folk traditions has recently become a new trend in the Ukrainian fashion industry. Find out how modern brands are rethinking cultural heritage and preserving Ukrainian traditions in their collections

18 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Way to Victory What Ukrainians consider most important in post-war reconstruction: survey results

What Ukrainians consider most important in post-war reconstruction: survey results

After the war is over, Ukraine will have to rebuild and restore the destroyed infrastructure. Find out more about what Ukrainians consider to be the most important things to rebuild and what they fear

17 Jun. 2023

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