1 min

Krieg Massive missile attacks: how Ukraine is surviving the attacks and which cities are suffering the most

Massive missile attacks: how Ukraine is surviving the attacks and which cities are suffering the most

Ukrainian towns and villages have been under constant russian missile attacks for nearly a year and a half. Learn more about where the alarms are most often howled and which localities are most often affected by the attacks

30 Mai. 2023

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Für Flüchtlinge Poland cancels automatic renewal of visas and residence permits: how to stay in the country

Poland cancels automatic renewal of visas and residence permits: how to stay in the country

The Polish government is lifting the state of epidemic threat. In particular, the automatic renewal of visas and permanent residence permits will be blocked. Find out what Ukrainians who are in the country with expired documents should do

30 Mai. 2023

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Popular Ukrainian women who changed the world forever

Ukrainian women who changed the world forever

Every year on May 30, the world celebrates Women's Emancipation Day. We are telling you about Ukrainian women who fought for justice and achieved significant success

30 Mai. 2023

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3 min

Der Weg zum Sieg The best universities in Ukraine: what is the state of educational institutions in the second year of the war

The best universities in Ukraine: what is the state of educational institutions in the second year of the war

There are many higher education institutions in Ukraine that are attended not only by Ukrainians but also by foreigners. The quality of Ukrainian education meets international requirements and standards. Find out what is the state of the best universities in Ukraine and how they work during the war

30 Mai. 2023

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3 min

Krieg Foreign journalists in Ukraine: work experience and safety rules

Foreign journalists in Ukraine: work experience and safety rules

International support for Ukraine depends not only on the leaders of the countries, but also on the public opinion of the citizens of partner countries. Find out what problems and challenges foreign journalists face when covering events in Ukraine

30 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Transport Single ticket from Prague to Ukrainian cities: the cost of travel

Single ticket from Prague to Ukrainian cities: the cost of travel

The Czech Republic introduces a single ticket for rail travel from Prague to Kharkiv, Poltava, Zaporizhzhia, and Dnipro. Find out more about how to use and the cost

29 Mai. 2023

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2 min

Krieg International Day of UN Peacekeepers: what is Ukraine's role in peacekeeping missions

International Day of UN Peacekeepers: what is Ukraine's role in peacekeeping missions

The UN peacekeeping contingent was created to resolve situations in post-conflict countries. Learn more about the functions of peacekeepers and the missions Ukraine has participated in

29 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Arbeit How much do Ukrainians get paid abroad: average salaries and the most popular professions

How much do Ukrainians get paid abroad: average salaries and the most popular professions

Since the outbreak of the full-scale war, millions of Ukrainians have left for Europe. Most of them have already found jobs, but there are also those who are still looking for work. Find out more about the most popular vacancies for Ukrainian citizens in the EU and their salaries

29 Mai. 2023

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