1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Финляндия будет отказывать в защите части беженцев из Украины: детали

Финляндия будет отказывать в защите части беженцев из Украины: детали

The Finnish government has decided to refuse protection to refugees from Ukraine who have third-country nationality. Find out more about who will no longer be able to apply for temporary protection in Finland

09 Sep. 2023

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3 min

Popular First Aid Day: what you should know and remember

First Aid Day: what you should know and remember

Accidents happen, we see people being rescued, and sometimes we need to be rescued ourselves. However, there are many myths surrounding first aid. Find out what each of us needs to know

09 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Veranstaltungen Rosh Hashanah 2023: why are pilgrims already arriving in Uman to celebrate the Jewish New Year despite threats?

Rosh Hashanah 2023: why are pilgrims already arriving in Uman to celebrate the Jewish New Year despite threats?

This year, the Jewish New Year is celebrated from September 15 to 17, and one head of the Cherkasy RMA is calling on pilgrims to refrain from traveling to Ukraine. Find out why Jews from all over the world continue to travel to Ukraine despite threats from russia

09 Sep. 2023

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1 min

Travel Venice introduces an entry fee: how much tourists will have to pay

Venice introduces an entry fee: how much tourists will have to pay

Venice has recently announced the introduction of an entry fee to the city. Find out more about the innovation and how much tourists will have to pay

09 Sep. 2023

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1 min

Travel Autumn trip to European cities: Ryanair launches 4 new destinations

Autumn trip to European cities: Ryanair launches 4 new destinations

Ryanair is launching new routes between European cities in autumn and winter. Find out more about which cities you can reach using the airline's services

08 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Travel How Ukrainians travel around Ukraine during the war: results of a recent survey

How Ukrainians travel around Ukraine during the war: results of a recent survey

During the war, domestic tourism in Ukraine began to grow rapidly. Find out more about how Ukrainians feel about travelling during martial law and what kind of holiday they prefer

08 Sep. 2023

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2 min

Regeln für die Einreise Entry to Ukraine for Irish citizens: do foreigners need a visa in 2023?

Entry to Ukraine for Irish citizens: do foreigners need a visa in 2023?

Ukraine's land borders are open to foreign travellers. Find out more about how to get to Ukraine from Ireland and whether you need a visa to cross the border

08 Sep. 2023

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3 min

Krieg Through whose eyes does the world see the war in Ukraine and russia's brutality?

Through whose eyes does the world see the war in Ukraine and russia's brutality?

The contribution of Ukrainian and foreign journalists covering the war in Ukraine cannot be overestimated, as they are the ones who tell the truth to the world. Learn more about those whose eyes are showing the world the brutality of the russian invasion

08 Sep. 2023

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