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Documents Where to get a passport and exchange a driver's license abroad: addresses, terms, prices

Where to get a passport and exchange a driver's license abroad: addresses, terms, prices

Citizens of Ukraine can apply for passport documents in the countries where the Passport Service has started operating. We will tell you in more detail where exactly the divisions of SE "Document" are located, what services they provide and their cost

03 Mär. 2023

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Finance How to receive pensions for Ukrainian citizens temporarily residing in Poland: detailed instructions

How to receive pensions for Ukrainian citizens temporarily residing in Poland: detailed instructions

Ukrainians currently residing in Poland can continue to receive pensions from Ukraine. Find out more about how to apply for payments and what you need to do

03 Mär. 2023

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Travel Where to go in March in Ukraine: top destinations for traveling with friends or family

Where to go in March in Ukraine: top destinations for traveling with friends or family

The beginning of spring is the perfect time to relax. It is in March that the first rays of sunshine appear, hinting at renewed strength and energy. Here are the most picturesque places in Ukraine where you should go to reboot

03 Mär. 2023

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Für Flüchtlinge Renting a house in Scotland: where Ukrainians can find apartments and what programs will help them

Renting a house in Scotland: where Ukrainians can find apartments and what programs will help them

Refugees from Ukraine who have taken refuge in Scotland have the right to rent housing. Certain programs are available in the country. Find out more about how to rent private housing in Scotland and what the cost is

02 Mär. 2023

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Der Weg zum Sieg How Ukraine is perceived abroad: the first professional analysis

How Ukraine is perceived abroad: the first professional analysis

Ukraine has presented the first comprehensive analysis of the perception of our country abroad. It also contains recommendations for the development of Ukraine's national brand. Learn more about the results

02 Mär. 2023

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Popular Getting married or divorced abroad: opportunities for Ukrainians

Getting married or divorced abroad: opportunities for Ukrainians

Citizens of Ukraine who are currently abroad can get married or divorced in another country by visiting the Ukrainian embassy. We have prepared a list of countries where such services are currently available

02 Mär. 2023

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Travel Danger in the sky: why Wizz Air announced its withdrawal from Moldova

Danger in the sky: why Wizz Air announced its withdrawal from Moldova

Wizz Air has informed the Moldovan Civil Aviation Authority that it will cancel all flights from Chisinau. Find out more about the reasons for the company's decision

01 Mär. 2023

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Transport Driving your own car to the Czech Republic: current rules and necessary documents for Ukrainians

Driving your own car to the Czech Republic: current rules and necessary documents for Ukrainians

Citizens of Ukraine can stay in the Czech Republic with their own car. However, the country has established certain requirements for personal vehicles of refugees. Find out more about whether you need to register your car in the Czech Republic and exchange your Ukrainian license

01 Mär. 2023

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