
Professioneller Führer

Professioneller Führer


Di, 28 März 2023 - Do, 28 März 2024



3 Stunden











Über die Tour

Angels and Demons/Angels and Demons 2

Please agree on the dates and number of people before booking!

When walking around Lviv, how often do we look at its stone sculptures and bas-reliefs? Why are none of the figures signed? Because our ancestors already knew who was in front of them. Do you want to find out?

Dates: daily 

Duration: 3 hours

Tour program

Feel like an expert on religious symbols and find out why Moses is horned and who was always depicted naked in the temple? Does the "all-seeing eye" have a non-Masonic explanation? Can you find images of demons and ghosts in temples? Why were angels not always winged and what is the symbolism of the main sign of Christians?

I wonder what secrets were hidden by the religious orders that had their "office" in Lviv, and how the Jesuits were connected to the Illuminati and the Bernardines to the Templars?

Come for a new portion of knowledge about Lviv "hidden in symbols". Because the world is full of demons, and knowledge is a light in the darkness).

Cost of the tour:  

Group of 1-4 people - 1270 UAH;

group of 5-10 people - 1570 UAH

group of 11-15 people - 1630 UAH

group of 16-20 people - 1810 UAH

more than 20 people - agree with the manager

(for groups of more than 20 people, radio systems are additionally paid for. The price is 50 UAH per person)


Feel like an expert on religious symbols and find out why Moses is horned, and who was always depicted naked in the temple? Does the "all-seeing eye" have a non-Masonic explanation? Can images of demons and ghosts be found in temples? Why were angels not always winged and what is the symbolism of the main sign of Christians? . And I wonder what secrets were hidden by the religious orders that had their "office" in Lviv, and how the Jesuits are connected with the Illuminati, and the Bernardines with the Templars? Come for a new dose of knowledge about Lviv "mysterious in symbols". Because the world is full of demons, and knowledge is light in the darkness).

5 Gründe, sich für eine Tour zu entscheiden


Cooler Reiseführer

Man sagt, dass die Einheimischen ihre Stadt besser kennen als jeder andere, Sie hatten die Gelegenheit, alle Geheimnisse von jemandem zu erfahren, der hier lebt.



Die Kulturhauptstadt der Westukraine ... Paris sehen und sterben? NEIN! Sehen Sie Lemberg und seien Sie auferstanden!



Europäische Stadt – europäische Preise? Ähnliche Ausflüge in andere europäische Städte kosten viel Geld, bei uns ist es günstiger und noch interessanter.



Haben Sie Schwierigkeiten oder ist etwas unklar? Wir lassen Sie nicht verloren gehen, unsere Manager unterstützen Sie stets auf Ihrem Weg und helfen Ihnen bei der Lösung aller Probleme.



Ja, bei diesem Ausflug geht es um Krankheiten und Epidemien ... Es ist wirklich interessant zu erfahren, wie Krankheiten in der Antike bekämpft wurden, insbesondere nach der Ankunft von Covid.

Key landmarks



What is included?

Professioneller Führer

Professioneller Führer

*From each purchased tour, we transfer 10% to the Ukrainian Refugee Support Fund. All profits from press tours are transferred to the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Booking form
*All information about the tourist must be filled in the
Latin alphabet
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