Über die Tour

A tour of Jewish Lviv

Historically, Lviv had a large and active Jewish community, as evidenced today by the remains of synagogues. By 1941, there were at least 45 synagogues and prayer houses.

By the beginning of World War II, there were over 120 thousand Jews in Lviv.

This tour tells about the peculiarities of the Jewish people, what positions they held, describes their everyday life and peculiarities of their life. Being an isolated part of the city's population, Jews had their own courtyard, synagogue, house of wisdom "Beth Hamidrash" and other attributes of independence. We start with the only preserved and functioning Jewish synagogue. This tour will take you through the outer and inner Jewish quarters, the ruins, the Jonas Sprecher house, and the city's Jewish hospital. You will see the ruins of the Renaissance Gold Rose Synagogue, built in 1582. It was the main synagogue in the Jewish quarter. There are several buildings left that belonged to the Jewish elders, who occupied the headquarters and ritual baths. There is an opportunity to visit the museum "In the footsteps of Galician Jews".

Duration: 3 hours.

5 Gründe, eine Tour zu wählen


Besuch des Museums "Auf den Spuren der galizischen Juden"


Professionelle Führung während der Tour


Günstiger Preis für eine interessante Tour


Diese Tour führt Sie durch die äußeren und inneren jüdischen Viertel


Die Tour ist speziell für ausländische Touristen konzipiert

Key landmarks



Haus von Jonas Sprecher, jüdisches Krankenhaus, Museum "Auf den Spuren der galizischen Juden", Ruinen der Renaissance-Synagoge "Goldene Rose

What is included?

Professioneller Führer

Professioneller Führer

*From each purchased tour, we transfer 10% to the Ukrainian Refugee Support Fund. All profits from press tours are transferred to the reconstruction of Ukraine.