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01 Nov. 2022


Firewood from the state: how to get firewood for free

Firewood from the state: how to get firewood for free

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From October 31, in the regions adjacent to the combat zone, the distribution of free firewood for heating homes will begin. This is reported by the Ministry of Reintegration.

According to the Government's decision, residents of 8 front-line regions - Donetsk, Zaporizhzhya, Mykolaiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernihiv - will be able to receive wood with home delivery.

Who can apply for such help from the state?

All households in the above regions can apply for free firewood. But it will be provided in order of priority, taking into account the criteria of vulnerability of population categories.

How to order firewood?

The first wagons of fuel wood have already been delivered to Mykolaiv Oblast. You can find out the algorithm for obtaining free firewood in the Mykolaiv region at the following numbers:

• Mykolaiv district: (068) 535-91-19, (051) 532-19-67 (working hours from 08:00 to 18:00);

• Bashtansky district: (098) 738-83-18 (from 08:00 to 20:00);

• Voznesensky district: (066) 779-46-18 (08:00-20:00).

Currently, the logistics of sending firewood to other regions has been established. Another two of them, namely Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporizhzhya, will receive firewood by Ukrzaliznytsia trains. In the near future, they will be delivered by road to the rest of the regions.

How to get free firewood in frontline areas?

In order to obtain firewood, it is necessary to submit an application to local authorities.

Documents attached to the application for receiving firewood:

1) Passport of a citizen of Ukraine or other identity document.

2) A document certifying an individual and confirming his special status (for foreigners and stateless persons).

3) A document confirming the authority of a legal representative (if the application is submitted by a legal representative).

4) Registration number of the taxpayer's registration card (except for individuals who, due to their religious beliefs, refuse to accept the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card and have officially notified the relevant controlling body about it and have a mark in their passport).

5) A document confirming the availability of the appropriate social status (if available).

6) Other documents confirming the applicant's belonging to the relevant household.

Attention! The list of documents may not be exhaustive - it is defined in the OVA

Priority groups of the population that are primarily entitled to receive fuel wood:

• Single elderly people (60+).

• Critically ill.

• Persons with disabilities of the I or II groups.

• Single guardians of children (only with a certificate).

• Large families.

• Pregnant women, mothers with a child under 2 years of age.

• Persons who, at the beginning of the heating period, did not use the subsidy to reimburse the costs of paying for housing and communal services, purchasing liquefied gas, solid and liquid household fuel for the stove.

How to get free firewood in Donetsk region?

The Kramatorsk City Council has expanded the list of those who have the right to receive firewood as a priority. Persons with disabilities of the III group were added to the list. Previously, this right was available to disabled people of I and II groups, large families, single mothers, the poor and the elderly.

To receive free firewood, you need to write a written application to the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Kramatorsk City Council. You will also need a passport, registration number of the taxpayer's account card, housing documents and a certificate of IDP.

Applications for receiving firewood are accepted at the Department of Social Protection of the Population at the address: str. Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, 23.

In case of additional questions, you can consult the hotline number +38 (093) 234-30-22. Calls are accepted every day from 09:00 to 16:00, except for weekends.

We will remind you, that earlier in Ukraine, the state online store DrovaE was opened. On the website, you can easily buy wood for yourself or your loved ones with home delivery in a few minutes. Learn more about how to place an order at the link.

Photo: freepik.com