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15 Jan. 2023


Financial assistance to Ukrainians in Spain: how to get 200 euros for groceries

Für Flüchtlinge
Financial assistance to Ukrainians in Spain: how to get 200 euros for groceries

Spain continues to provide support to refugees from Ukraine who have found refuge in the country. The Spanish government is introducing a new monetary aid to Ukrainians in the amount of 200 euros, which can be spent on buying products in local stores. Learn more about how to get funds

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

The Spanish government has approved a one-off benefit for a number of people, including people with low incomes and wealth. Those who want to receive a food voucher for 200 euros will have one and a half months to submit the corresponding application. How to get, and who can count on help, read in the material below.

Yes, the country's government will allocate one and a half months to apply for funds, the procedure must be carried out between February 15 and March 31, 2023.

According to the estimates of the Spanish government, about 4.2 million people can apply for assistance.

Who will be able to receive a food voucher of 200 euros?

People who:

• had a legal and actual residence in Spain and lived there continuously during the previous year;

• carried out activities on their own behalf or on behalf of other persons, as well as those who are registered in the system of social security or mutual insurance;

• are unemployed, but at the same time registered at the employment office, regardless of whether they receive unemployment benefits or subsidies;

• had an income of less than 27,000 euros per year, and joint family property does not exceed 75,000 euros, excluding the main residence.

Who will not be able to receive new help?

• persons who receive the minimum subsistence income;

• persons who receive a pension paid under a general scheme or a special scheme of social security, as well as under a state pension scheme;

• persons receiving similar assistance from mutual aid societies, alternative to RETA (a special social security scheme for the self-employed or private entrepreneurs).

Where to go for help?

The request for a check in the amount of 200 euros must be submitted through the electronic portal of the tax administration. As we wrote above, assistance can be requested in the period from February 15 to March 31, 2023.

The Tax Agency form must indicate the applicant's bank account to which he wishes to receive payment.

Those planning to receive assistance for the first time need to register here. To start registration in the line, you need to enter the identification number of a foreigner (NIE).

In the case of notification of rejection of the application, the applicant is given a 10-day period to appeal and submit documents and supporting documents that he considers important.

As you know, as of November 2022, there were more than 150,000 Ukrainian refugees in Spain who acquired the status of temporary protection.

We will remind you! Earlier we wrote that despite the high standard of living, Spain is one of the cheapest countries in Western Europe. Read more about the cost of living in Spain at the link.

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