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25 Mär. 2023


Ukrainians who illegally cross the border cannot obtain refugee status: details




Ukrainians who illegally cross the border cannot obtain refugee status: details

Citizens of Ukraine who cross the state border as fugitives cannot be considered as refugees in the EU. Here's why

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Ukrainians who illegally cross the border of the European Union will not be able to obtain refugee status. This was announced by the spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko, during a national telethon. 

He noted that Ukraine is actively cooperating with the EU countries and Moldova to counter any attempts to illegally cross the border by Ukrainians.

"Of course, some people are trying to immediately apply for refugee status, but I would like to point out that this is not a reason for Ukrainian citizens, such violators, to be considered as refugees in the European Union", - Demchenko said.

The official also called on those who organize illegal border crossings to refrain from doing so.

We remind you! Martial law in Ukraine provides for restrictions on the departure of men liable for military service of military age. Read more about who is still eligible to travel abroad and the main changes to men's travel in 2023 in our article.

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