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10 Apr. 2023


Traffic rules for cyclists in Poland: what Ukrainians can get a fine for

Traffic rules for cyclists in Poland: what Ukrainians can get a fine for

A bicycle is a fairly common vehicle in Poland. To drive it safely and avoid fines, foreigners need to know the rules. We will tell you what you can get a hefty fine for

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

In Poland, as in many countries around the world, there are traffic rules for cyclists. Violating them can lead to fines and other legal consequences. We are going to tell you what fines cycling enthusiasts may face in case of violation of traffic rules.

Bicycles are quite a popular form of transportation in Poland. In this country, you can ride both your own two-wheeler and a rented one. Also, in Polish cities there are specially equipped lanes for traveling on this transport. However, you should know a few more rules:

- A cyclist must ride on a bike lane, if there is one.

- If there is no bike lane, the cyclist must ride on the edge of the roadway, closer to the right edge of the road.

- A cyclist is obliged to have a headlight and a rear red light on the bicycle, which must be switched on at night and in poor visibility.

- A cyclist is obliged to wear a helmet outside of settlements.

- A cyclist must follow the rules of the road, including compliance with the speed limit and passing at traffic lights.

- Cyclists may not ride on sidewalks, unless they are shared by pedestrians and cyclists.

- Cyclists must use their hands to signal their intention to turn or change direction.

- It is forbidden to ride a bicycle in a state of intoxication.

It is also worth noting that in Poland, persons aged 10 to 18 years who ride a bicycle must have a special card or driver's license. Persons under the age of 10 can ride such vehicles only under the supervision of adults. At the same time, persons over the age of 18 need only have an identity card.

It should be noted that a bicycle card (karta rowerowa) is a certificate that gives the right to drive the appropriate vehicle. However, according to local police, usually in the absence of such cards, bicycle owners are limited to a warning. Although such a violation may result in a fine of PLN 200.

It should also be noted that only persons under 10 years of age and persons accompanying them are allowed to ride a bicycle on the sidewalk. 

Other fines for traffic violations for cyclists in Poland

 Cycling on a pedestrian crossing - from 50 PLN to 100 PLN;

 Riding without the necessary lighting (valid from dusk to dawn, as well as in bad weather and in tunnels) - PLN 200;

 Riding outside the bicycle lane, if it is intended for the direction in which the cyclist is moving - PLN 100;

 Riding outside the bike lane if it is intended for the direction in which the cyclist is moving or is about to turn - PLN 100;

 failing to give way to pedestrians if the cyclist is using a path for cyclists and pedestrians - PLN 100;

 two cyclists ride side by side, which interferes with the movement of others - PLN 200;

 riding a bicycle attached to another vehicle - PLN 100;

 driving without holding the steering wheel with at least one hand - PLN 50;

 driving on a highway - PLN 250;

 driving under the influence of alcohol - PLN 300-500 (after drinking alcohol) and PLN 500 (while intoxicated). In the event of any consequences, the fine may increase significantly;

 using a phone while driving, which requires the driver to hold the handset or microphone - PLN 200.

At the same time, we would like to note that Polish law does not require you to wear a helmet and/or reflective stripes on your clothes while riding a bicycle. However, wearing them will increase your safety.

As for scooters 

The rules for using scooters are similar to those for bicycles. When driving such a vehicle, you are not allowed to use the phone and ride while intoxicated. Also, it is forbidden to ride an electric scooter, which is equivalent to a road vehicle in Poland, together.

We remind you! Polish authorities have tightened the rules for importing pets from Ukraine. The "pre-war" requirements are now in effect. We will tell you what has changed here.

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

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