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15 Sep. 2023


Where do Ukrainians travel most often and how do they plan their trips?

Where do Ukrainians travel most often and how do they plan their trips?

The State Agency for Tourism Development conducted a survey among Ukrainians about traveling during the war. Find out what locations travelers choose, what they pay attention to when planning a trip, and what attitudes Ukrainians have toward travel

Book bus, train, and plane tickets to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world
Book bus, train, and plane tickets to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world

Despite the full-scale invasion of russia, tourism in Ukraine continues to grow, thanks not only to domestic tourists but also to foreigners who come to Ukraine. 

We would like to remind you that Visit Ukraine team helped more than 1000 foreign tourists to organize a safe trip to Ukraine during the war. Read more about the experience of travelers from other countries here.

Thus, the State Agency for Tourism Development in partnership with the UNICEF U-Report Ukraine project conducted a survey among Ukrainians to find out how they feel about traveling during the war, what they rely on when planning their trips, and what restrictions or obstacles they consider the most important for traveling in Ukraine under martial law.

Tourism in Ukraine during the war: to be or not to be?

Ukrainians were asked to choose one of the statements that best describes their attitude to traveling during the war:


- 23.4% of respondents said that their attitude to travel has not changed;

- 23.2% do not travel because of the difficult financial situation;

- 21.1% continue to travel because they believe that in this way they support the country's economy;

- 20.7% avoid traveling because of possible danger;

- 11.7% do not consider traveling appropriate during the war.

At the same time, among the most significant restrictions and obstacles to traveling in Ukraine, Ukrainians noted:

- security - 57.4% of respondents

- financial costs - 42.2%;

- inaccessibility of seaside resorts - 24.4%; and

- complicated logistics - 20.9%;

- lack of information about the functioning of institutions or locations - 9.8%;

- availability and condition of accommodation facilities - 8.4%;

- other - 2.3%.

- Another 5.9% of respondents said they did not see any obstacles.

Respondents were also asked how many times they have visited other regions of Ukraine for tourism purposes since February 24, 2022:

- 54.7% have never visited

- 26.0% 1-2 times

- 12% 3-5 times;

- 7.3% more than 5 times.

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What do Ukrainians rely on when planning a trip?

The Internet and social media are among the most popular sources of information that Ukrainians rely on when choosing a travel destination, with 63.3% and 48.9% respectively. Reviews and advice from friends and family who have already been to the area are used by 28.2% of respondents. The media is relied on by 6.6%, and local residents - by 5.7% of respondents.

When it comes to choosing a travel destination, Ukrainians primarily pay attention to the beauty of nature (51.5%), followed by affordability (45.7%). Cultural heritage and historical monuments are of interest to 35.6%, security and stability of the region - 27.2%, and local culture - 15.9% of respondents. Tourists are least interested in popular (Instagram) places (15.8%), local cuisine (12.8%), and craft production (4.9%).

At the same time, during the war, Ukrainians mostly prefer hiking and exploring the urban environment (54%) to any other type of recreation. They include

- cultural tourism (excursions to historical monuments and museums) was chosen by only 28.4% of respondents;

- beach vacation - 23.1%;

- event tourism - 22.8%;

- gastronomic tourism - 21.8%;

- active recreation in the mountains - 16.2%;

- active summer vacation - 11.3%;

- ecotourism - 11.2%;

- recreational tourism - 8.6%;

- other - 3.3%.

How to plan a safe trip to Ukraine?

The key to a successful and, most importantly, safe trip to Ukraine is careful trip planning. Read more about how to plan your route and allocate your budget so that your vacation doesn't hit you in the pocket here, or go to the Safe Tours page from Visit Ukraine and choose your dream trip from more than 200 tour options. And for those who want to go on a special trip, our managers can help organize an individual trip that will fully meet the requirements, wishes and needs of the tourist.

The second, but not the least, component of safe travel in Ukraine during martial law is reliable health insurance covering war-related risks. You can purchase an insurance policy covering military risks on the Visit Ukraine website. Read more about the benefits of such insurance here.

We remind you! When planning a trip to Ukraine, many tourists make mistakes that can ruin their vacation even at the stage of organizing a trip. Read more about common mistakes and nuances that can negatively affect your trip in our previous article.

Photo: Unsplash

We recommend purchasing it for a safe and comfortable trip to Ukraine: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - safe travel in Ukraine (insurance covering military risks);

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tours - the largest online database of tours to Ukraine for every taste;

Visit Ukraine Hotels - book hotels for a comfortable stay in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Merch - choose patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

Cooperation - cooperation and advertising integrations with Visit Ukraine and Visit World projects.

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