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16 Nov. 2023


Can I drive a car with tinted windows abroad and what are the rules in Ukraine?

Can I drive a car with tinted windows abroad and what are the rules in Ukraine?

Car window tinting is a popular way to ensure privacy and protection from sunlight while traveling. The rules for car tinting in Ukraine are determined by clear regulations. Find out what rules apply to car owners in Ukraine, what penalties are imposed for violations, and whether you can drive abroad with tinted windows

Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car
Issuing a policy Green card for traveling abroad by car

For Ukrainian drivers, car window tinting is not only a means of creating an aesthetic appearance for their vehicles, but also a matter of legal compliance. Ukrainian legislation sets certain restrictions and requirements for vehicle window tinting that drivers must comply with to avoid legal problems.

Here are the details of the rules for car tinting in Ukraine, the types of tint allowed and the consequences of violating these rules. 

Car window tinting regulations in Ukraine 

The law of Ukraine defines the rules for car tinting in accordance with the Traffic Rules and State Standard 5727-88.  

According to these rules

• the windshield of a car must have at least 75% light transmission;

• side windows - at least 70%; 

• the film must not be mirrored;

• should not affect the perception of white, yellow, red, green and blue colors.

There are no restrictions for the rear window. 

Glass with less than 70% light transmission is additionally marked with a corresponding sign located on the tint in the corner of the glass. 

There is an alternative tinting method that uses a transparent colored film on the top of the windshield. These films are designed to protect against solar radiation and do not restrict visibility.  

It is worth noting that the width of such films should not exceed 10% of the glass height. 

Also popular among drivers in Ukraine is Euro tinting, which allows darkening of the rear side rocks and hemisphere without limiting light transmission.  

In this case, the front side and windshields are not tinted or covered with a transparent athermal film with at least 80% light transmission. 

Penalties for improper tinting 

Liability for violation of the car tinting rules in Ukraine is not included in a separate paragraph in the Code of Administrative Offenses.  

Instead, this violation is included in the general clause concerning violations of the technical operation of vehicles in the traffic code. 

For using tinted glass that transmits less than 75% of the light for the windshield and less than 70% for the side windows, a driver may be fined UAH 340 for the first offense.  

In case of repeated violation within a year, the driver may be deprived of the right to drive for a period of 3 to 6 months. 

As for mirror tinted glass, this type of tinting is absolutely prohibited in Ukraine. The fine for the first offense is UAH 340, and for a second offense the amount increases to UAH 8,500.  

In case of a repeated violation, the driver may be deprived of the right to drive for up to 1 year, and the vehicle may be seized until the violation is eliminated. In this case, the temporary driver's license will be withdrawn altogether.   

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European standard for window tinting 

The rules for car tinting in Europe may vary from country to country, but there are general requirements and standards that govern this practice.  

They are governed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe's Regulation No. 43 "Glass Safe for Land Transport", which specifies the requirements for light transmission of glass and colored films.  

The main rules include

• Permission to tint the rear, side and hemisphere windows (no specific limits on light transmission are set);

• Prohibition on tinting of the front, side and windshield, except for the use of transparent athermal film with a light transmission of at least 80%.

Prohibition on the use of mirror film  

To check the light transmission, a special device called "Taumeter" is used, which must be subject to annual certification. However, it is important to note that such devices are not included in the official list of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When planning to travel abroad, many Ukrainians choose Euro tinting for their cars. However, it is important not only to check the technical condition of the car and prepare the necessary documents, but also to take care of insurance, because the Ukrainian policy of MTPL is not valid abroad. 

To protect yourself from unforeseen expenses before traveling, a car owner should take care of a Green Card policy in advance, which is a mandatory international insurance document for motorists.

We remind you! Obtaining compensation after an accident when the culprit does not have a motor vehicle liability insurance policy can be a difficult task, but there are certain steps that can help you get paid. Learn more about the correct algorithm of actions in such a situation.

Photo: tylkomotoryzacja.pl

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

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