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16 Sep. 2024


The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has opened a call for applications for financial assistance: how to get money?

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The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has opened a call for applications for financial assistance: how to get money?

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Ukraine has opened a call for applications for financial assistance for victims. Find out how to apply and receive support

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More interesting and useful news in our Telegram-channel

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) in Ukraine continues to accept applications for financial assistance. Those affected by the war or who are internally displaced can apply for assistance through the official NRC portal. Applications are accepted until 17:00 on September 18, 2024.

Eligibility criteria: who can receive money?

Assistance will be provided based on a comprehensive assessment that takes into account

– Household composition

– Location of residence

– Displacement status

– Presence of conflict-affected persons

Thus, the most vulnerable categories of the population can receive assistance:

– persons living in the combat zone;

– persons affected by the recent events in Ukraine;

– internally displaced persons (IDPs) who were forced to leave their homes.

At the same time, it is noted that “an important criterion is that the household is physically located on the territory of Ukraine.” And if you have previously received financial assistance from the NRC, you can still apply, but such applications may not be selected during this stage.

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Documents required to apply

In order to apply, you must have:

– Passport or ID card

– Taxpayer identification number (TIN)

– IBAN (cards for social and pension payments are not suitable for submission)

– Stable Internet connection and a smartphone with GPS enabled

It is important to note that the correctness of the entered data is mandatory, as the NRC may selectively check households. If the number of family members exceeds five, two separate forms must be submitted.

How do I apply for financial assistance from the NRC?

The application process for financial assistance started at 9 a.m. on September 9, 2024 and will last for 10 days until 5 p.m. on September 18, 2024.

To apply, you need to go to the NRC website and fill out a special form.

After submitting the application, starting from September 19, 2024, Ukrainians will start receiving individual codes to check the status of the application via WhatsApp or SMS. It is recommended that you make sure that WhatsApp is installed on the device with the number that was indicated as a priority when submitting the application.

All applications submitted within the above deadline will be evaluated equally. That is, there will be no priority for those who applied first.

Useful tips

1. Take and keep a screenshot of the application acceptance confirmation.
2. Remember that the NRC never asks for credit card information, PIN or CVV.

3. Any mistakes in the application process may result in the application being canceled or delayed. Therefore, it is important to fill in all the data as carefully as possible.

4. Make sure that GPS permissions are enabled on your device, as the NRC checks the current location of individuals. Therefore, applications without valid geolocation will not be accepted.

Official channels for communication with the NRC

Email: ua.info@nrc.no

Hotline: 0 800 302 007

Facebook: Norwegian Refugee Council in Ukraine

We remind you! This year the UN Refugee Agency continues to provide financial assistance to IDPs and people affected by the war. Read more about the application process and what is needed to receive funds in our previous article.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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gestellte Fragen
Wie beantrage ich Unterstützung beim NRC?
Um einen Antrag zu stellen, müssen Sie ein spezielles Antragsformular auf der Website des Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) ausfüllen.
Wie kann ich den Antrag des NRC überprüfen?
Wie kann ich Hilfe bei der Beantragung beim NRC erhalten?

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