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11 Feb. 2025


How to extend your stay in France after your student visa expires in 2025 - Visit Ukraine lawyers explain

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How to extend your stay in France after your student visa expires in 2025 - Visit Ukraine lawyers explain

Do you need to find a way to stay in France after your student visa expires? Visit Ukraine lawyers understand all the migration nuances and are ready to help you find the best solution. Find out what legalisation options are available using the example of a real request received by the VU team of lawyers

Legal assistance on migration issues for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad
Legal assistance on migration issues for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad

Visit Ukraine's legal team works daily with a variety of migration requests from Ukrainians who face challenges while staying abroad. Each case requires an individual approach and a detailed analysis of the legal regulations of the host country.

Our legal team has a clear goal - to simplify your path to successful migration. Our lawyers do not limit themselves to standard legal advice, but develop a personalised action plan tailored specifically to your case. We guarantee clear and understandable steps to each client so that the migration process goes without unnecessary stress and misunderstandings.

Do you need professional legal support?

Contact Visit Ukraine's lawyers! Our specialists will provide comprehensive advice and comprehensive support in resolving your migration issues.

In this article, we will consider a real-life case with which Visit Ukraine lawyers were recently contacted. This situation clearly shows how qualified legal support and in-depth knowledge of migration legislation help Ukrainians to overcome the difficulties associated with staying abroad and find the best ways to solve their legal issues.

Query: My daughter has been living in France for 3 years on a student visa. On 15 February 2025, her visa expires. For six months she has been looking for a job in her field of study, but has only found a free internship for 2 months, where she cannot be helped with the paperwork. The institute also refuses to give her documents to extend her visa, because from 1 January she is no longer considered their student. She went to the migration centre to ask for temporary protection, but was refused because she arrived in France before 24.02.22. She was given only an e-mail (pp-dim-sae-urgence-ukraine@interieur.gouv.fr) to write to and explain her situation. She wrote, but there was no response. We are from a frontline city in Ukraine, it is not safe for her to return there, especially since she is a fashion designer, which is not a very popular profession now. How can she extend her visa and her stay in France? We are considering an option for her to enrol in a master's degree programme to continue her studies, but it only starts in September-October 2025. After her visa expires, can she stay for 3 months on a visa-free basis or does she need to leave?

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What are the options for extending my stay in France after the end of my student visa?

Let's consider possible options for further stay in France, including continuing your studies, changing your status and protection mechanisms for Ukrainian citizens.

1. Continuation of studies: a new study course or a master's degree

If your daughter is planning to apply for a master's degree, but her studies do not start until September-October 2025, she cannot immediately obtain a new student visa. But there are several alternatives:

- Find a short-term programme or preparatory courses. Some universities and fashion schools in France offer preparatory courses that start earlier. Once you receive confirmation of enrolment, you will be able to apply for a nouveau titre de séjour étudiant (student residence permit).

- Discuss with the university about deferral or other support options.

2. Finding a job and changing your status

As your student visa expires, your employment options are limited. But there are two options:

- Work visa. If the employer is interested in employing his daughter, he must apply for a work permit (autorisation de travail). However, since the internship is unpaid, this does not automatically entitle the employer to change the status.

- Change of status to ‘job search or business creation’ (chercheur d'emploi ou création d'entreprise). This allows graduates of French universities to stay in France for up to 12 months to look for work. You can apply at your local prefecture.

3. Is it possible to obtain temporary protection in France?

France provides temporary protection to Ukrainians, but the problem is that my daughter arrived before 24 February 2022, which makes it difficult to obtain this status. What can be done?

- Write again to the official e-mail of the Migration Centre (pp-dim-sae-urgence-ukraine@interieur.gouv.fr). Emphasise that it is dangerous to return to Ukraine (provide documents confirming residence in a frontline city).

- Seek help from migration organisations (France Terre d'Asile and Cimade).

They help Ukrainians get legal support and appeal against the refusal of temporary protection.

4. Can I stay in France on a visa-free basis after my visa expires?

No! The visa-free regime does not apply to those who have already held a student visa. If you do not apply for an extension of your status or a new visa after the visa expires, your daughter must leave France.

If she remains in an irregular situation after the expiry of her visa, this may result in sanctions, including a ban on entry to the Schengen area.

5. Recommendations for extending your legal stay in France

- Apply for a change of status at the prefecture: For example, for ‘job search’ or ‘study’.

- Check the options for short-term courses at French universities to obtain a new student status.

- Get legal advice from non-governmental organisations (France Terre d'Asile, Cimade).

- Write a second request to the migration centre, explaining the danger of returning to Ukraine.

Migration issues often cause difficulties, and it is important to prepare the documents correctly and choose the appropriate strategy.

What services do Visit Ukraine lawyers provide?

- Resolving migration issues.

- Legal support for business.

- Assistance with visa issues.

- Apostille and translation of documents.

- Legal support for employment and study abroad.

Visit Ukraine experts provide personalised legal solutions, promptly analysing and resolving your legal issues. You can be sure that your data is fully protected and you will receive professional support from the beginning to the successful completion of the case.

Getting a consultation is as simple as possible:

1. Select the country (for which you want to get advice).

2. Choose the option of cooperation (written/oral consultation or support).

3. Fill in the form with your personal data.

4. Agree to the terms of the contract and pay for the service.

Obtaining a visa, extending a residence permit or legalising your stay abroad can be a real challenge. Incorrectly filled in documents, changes in legislation or visa refusal can lead to serious complications.

Visit Ukraine's lawyers will help you understand all the legal aspects, find the best solution for your situation and provide full support at all stages.

Book a consultation right now and be confident in your future!

Just a reminder! Are you looking for information on how to change your country of residence while already having temporary protection in another EU country? Visit Ukraine lawyers know all the rules and are ready to tell you about all the available options. Read here how to organise a move to Spain with temporary protection in another country.

Photo: Freepik

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gestellte Fragen
Kann ich in Frankreich bleiben, wenn mein Studentenvisum abläuft?
Ja, es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten: Einschreibung in einen Masterstudiengang oder andere Studiengänge, Änderung Ihres Status in einen Arbeits- oder Unternehmerstatus, Erlangung eines vorübergehenden Schutzes oder einer anderen Art von Aufenthaltsgenehmigung.
Wie kann ich meinen Status von einem Studentenvisum in ein Arbeitsvisum ändern?
Kann ich nach Ablauf meines Studentenvisums visumfrei in Frankreich bleiben?
Ist es möglich, im Jahr 2025 vorübergehenden Schutz in Frankreich zu erhalten?
Wie bewerbe ich mich um einen Master-Abschluss, wenn der Studiengang erst im Herbst beginnt?

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