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12 Sep. 2022


The exchange of Ukrainian driver's licenses has started in Warsaw

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The exchange of Ukrainian driver's licenses has started in Warsaw

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Ukrainian drivers can exchange their licenses at "Document" center in Warsaw. We tell you which documents you need to have, and when it is possible to exchange a license.

Who should exchange driving licenses?

Ukrainians who have temporary protection status in Poland are not required to exchange their driver's license or retake the driving test.

The passport service of "Document" center will issue a new driver's license if:

1) The existing document is unusable. For example, the certificate is damaged, or the text cannot be read;

2) Personal data of the driver has changed (surname or first name, gender);

3) The owner wants to specify personal data in Latin letters, change a digitized photo, etc.

In Warsaw, you can also exchange a temporary permit, which is issued for the first time for two years.

If the driver has not committed more than two administrative violations, the exchange will take place without retaking the exam.

List of documents for exchanging driver's licenses

The following documents must be prepared:

• Ukrainian passport indicating the place of registration. If a person has an ID card without information on the place of registration on a contactless electronic medium, a certificate of registration of the person's place of residence must be submitted;

• Original or copy of identification number;

• Available driver's license;

• A document confirming the fact of a name or surname change.

• Medical certificate 083/o is not required during martial law.

Attention! The driver's license is valid for 30 years and is printed on the spot.

Documents for the exchange of driver's licenses of foreigners

A person who is not a citizen of Ukraine, but received his rights in Ukraine, can exchange them in Poland. In this case, it is necessary to provide a document that legalizes the right to stay in the territory of Ukraine (permanent or temporary residence permit, refugee or temporary protection certificate).

The rest of the documents are the same as for citizens of Ukraine.

The cost of exchanging a certificate

Issuing and exchanging a driver's license is 254 UAH, and the company's service is 420 zlotys.

Work schedule of "Document" center in Warsaw

• Tuesday-Friday: 10:00 - 17:00

• Saturday: 10:00 - 15:30

• Sunday and Monday are days off.

Address: 179 Jerusalem Avenue, Blue City.

Additional information can be obtained by calling 050-472-57-55.