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20 Sep. 2022


A fine of up to 5,000 euros or imprisonment: Why are Ukrainians threatened with fines in Germany?

Für Flüchtlinge



A fine of up to 5,000 euros or imprisonment: Why are Ukrainians threatened with fines in Germany?

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The laws of the countries to which Ukrainians leave in connection with the war may differ significantly from those of Ukraine. We tell you what not to do in Germany in order not to get a fine.

They did not clean up after the pet

According to German regulations, if you walk your dog outside, you must have a cleaning bag with you. If there is no bag, then you may face a fine from 35 to 250 euros.

You do not follow the rules for using and driving a bicycle

The bicycle must be equipped with headlights with a white light in front and a red light behind. As well as reflectors, a bell and have working brakes. A fine for improper condition of a bicycle is from 10 to 35 euros.

Cyclists must also observe the following rules:

• you can ride only on bike paths and specially designated lanes, you can not ride a bike on the sidewalk and in those areas where the movement of bicycles is prohibited;

• it is necessary to show hand signals before turning;

• when driving past people exiting public transport, you need to slow down and let people pass;

• you have to stop at a red light;

• you can't drive without holding the steering wheel with your hands, or use the phone;

In case of violation of these rules, you can receive a fine from 5 to 90 euros.

Feed wild pigeons on the street

It is strictly forbidden to feed pigeons in Germany. For example, in the city of Cologne, the fine can be up to 1,000 euros, and in Hamburg the amount can reach 5,000 euros.

Photograph people on the street

In Germany, there are certain rules regarding photographing people in public places.

It is not possible to photograph and distribute pictures of road accident victims, drunk or naked people without their permission. This shows their helplessness.

Violation of this rule can result not only in fines, but also confiscation of the camera or even imprisonment for up to two years.

Litter on the street

Throwing a cigarette butt out of a car window can cost up to 50 euros, throwing chewing gum on the street - up to 75 euros. You can pay from 60 to 150 euros for a toilet in a place not intended for this.

Do not follow traffic rules

Traffic rules in Germany are not much different from Ukrainian ones, but the penalties for violations are much higher:

• passing through a red light – 90-200 euros;

• violation of parking rules - 20-60 euros;

• traffic in the opposite direction – 75-200 euros;

• driving in a car without a seat belt – 30-50 euros;

• speeding — 10-680 euros depending on the area and the speed limit.

In addition, fines have recently been introduced in Germany for the public use of the Russian occupation symbol "Z".

Keep yourselves!