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Ausbildung From August, students will study on Saturdays: what changes are in store for Ukrainian universities?

From August, students will study on Saturdays: what changes are in store for Ukrainian universities?

Against the backdrop of the ongoing shelling of Ukraine's energy infrastructure, the Ministry of Education and Science has issued a number of recommendations for higher education institutions regarding the format of training for the next academic year. Find out what students need to prepare for

22 Mai. 2024

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Finance Ukraine's public debt: how much should the state pay in the next 26 years

Ukraine's public debt: how much should the state pay in the next 26 years

Ukraine faces significant financial obligations related to public debt service in the coming years. According to the Ministry of Finance, the total amount of payments will amount to trillions of hryvnias. Learn more about the debt repayment forecasts

22 Mai. 2024

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Transport Cheap travel by rail: Slovenian Railways has launched a new train route through 3 countries for 8 euros

Cheap travel by rail: Slovenian Railways has launched a new train route through 3 countries for 8 euros

The European carrier has launched a new seasonal train route that connects eight cities at once, and the trip takes only 2 hours. Find out which countries it passes through, what is the train schedule, and what you can see during your trip

22 Mai. 2024

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Insurance Travel insurance for Germany: when is it required, rules for different visa categories, and where to buy it?

Travel insurance for Germany: when is it required, rules for different visa categories, and where to buy it?

According to German law, foreigners entering the country are required to have an appropriate insurance policy. However, different categories of citizens have different requirements. Find out when and what kind of insurance is required to enter Germany

22 Mai. 2024

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Documents Men permanently residing abroad are obliged to come to the TCS and re-register: details

Men permanently residing abroad are obliged to come to the TCS and re-register: details

Previously, men who left Ukraine for permanent residence were deregistered from the military register. However, now this provision of the law is no longer in force and such persons must come to the TCS and re-register. Find out what resolution regulates this issue and what timeframe is required to fulfill the requirement

22 Mai. 2024

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1 min

Finance Will russian assets be returned to Ukraine? The EU has made an important decision on this issue

Will russian assets be returned to Ukraine? The EU has made an important decision on this issue

European countries have frozen about 300bn euros of Russian assets, and now the EU Council has decided to hand over some of the money to Ukraine. Find out how much money Ukraine can expect and why Kiev wants much more

21 Mai. 2024

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Finance Some categories of Ukrainians can receive new financial assistance in the amount of UAH 10,800: details

Some categories of Ukrainians can receive new financial assistance in the amount of UAH 10,800: details

The government and UNICEF have introduced additional financial assistance for families with children from vulnerable categories who are evacuating from Kharkiv and Sumy regions. Find out who is eligible for the payment and how to get it

21 Mai. 2024

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Arbeit Summer jobs in Poland: who are they looking for and what salaries are offered?

Summer jobs in Poland: who are they looking for and what salaries are offered?

The summer season in Poland brings with it a wide range of temporary jobs. Employers are actively looking for workers in various sectors. Find out more about the most popular vacancies and how much you can earn

21 Mai. 2024

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