2 min

Für Flüchtlinge Even with work: how many Ukrainians face financial difficulties in the Czech Republic?

Even with work: how many Ukrainians face financial difficulties in the Czech Republic?

About a third of Ukrainians in the Czech Republic have managed to find a job, but some of them are still struggling financially. Find out who is more likely to face these problems

09 Apr. 2024

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Tourists in Ukraine Top 11 mystical and mysterious places in Kyiv

Top 11 mystical and mysterious places in Kyiv

The capital of Ukraine has a centuries-old history and hides many secrets that can surprise even the most demanding horror fans. Learn more about the scary and eerie places in Kyiv that are worth visiting

09 Apr. 2024

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Travel Ryanair resumes recently closed flights to Israel: where to fly from

Ryanair resumes recently closed flights to Israel: where to fly from

European low-cost airline Ryanair has stopped selling tickets for flights to Israel until the end of October 2024. However, the airline recently announced the resumption of flights. Find out more about the reasons for this and where you can fly to Israel from

09 Apr. 2024

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Documents Rules for men raising one or more children on their own: list of documents for crossing the border

Rules for men raising one or more children on their own: list of documents for crossing the border

A man who is raising one or more minor children on his own has the right to leave Ukraine during martial law, but only if he confirms his status with the relevant documents. Find out what rules apply in 2024 and what you need to cross the border

09 Apr. 2024

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Für Flüchtlinge Which German states are accepting Ukrainians in April 2024: problems with entry and current addresses of camps

Which German states are accepting Ukrainians in April 2024: problems with entry and current addresses of camps

Some federal states of Germany continue to accept refugees from Ukraine and provide them with assistance, but since March, Ukrainians have faced problems entering the country. Here are the current addresses of refugee camps, accommodation conditions, and changes in entry rules

09 Apr. 2024

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Finance Norwegian authorities cut payments to Ukrainians: details

Norwegian authorities cut payments to Ukrainians: details

Norway reduces financial assistance for Ukrainian refugees. According to the adopted changes, the amount of financial support will be reduced to a certain level. Learn more about the new conditions of assistance to Ukrainians

08 Apr. 2024

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Krieg Peace summit in Switzerland: when the meeting will take place and what they want to achieve at it

Peace summit in Switzerland: when the meeting will take place and what they want to achieve at it

The war in Ukraine has been going on for more than two years. Ukraine and its allies are striving to put an end to Russian aggression. To this end, the parties are organising a major peace summit in Switzerland this summer. Find out how many countries will attend and what they want to decide at the first meeting

08 Apr. 2024

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2 min

Documents Ukrainians with temporary protection in the Czech Republic will be able to obtain a long-term residence permit: details

Ukrainians with temporary protection in the Czech Republic will be able to obtain a long-term residence permit: details

Ukrainian citizens enjoying temporary protection in the Czech Republic will have the opportunity to obtain a long-term residence permit. This will allow them to legalize their status and establish a stable foundation for their future in this country. Find out more about the changes

08 Apr. 2024

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