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Transport How long will the car be sold on the Ukrainian domestic market in 2024?

How long will the car be sold on the Ukrainian domestic market in 2024?

The used car market in Ukraine continues to adapt to new conditions. The duration of a car sale depends on many factors. Find out more about how long it takes to sell a used car in Ukraine

01 Sep. 2024

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Travel Excursion to Antarctica: how to visit the Akademik Vernadsky station as a guest of Ukrainian polar explorers

Excursion to Antarctica: how to visit the Akademik Vernadsky station as a guest of Ukrainian polar explorers

Antarctic tourism, despite the complexity of organising such a trip, is becoming increasingly popular among tourists. Learn more about the peculiarities of travelling to the icy continent from experienced Ukrainian polar explorers, as well as how to ‘visit’ the glacial continent without leaving home

01 Sep. 2024

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1 min

Transport Ukrainer in Deutschland müssen ihre Autos bis Ende September ummelden: Was Sie wissen sollten

Ukrainer in Deutschland müssen ihre Autos bis Ende September ummelden: Was Sie wissen sollten

Bürger der Ukraine in Deutschland haben bis zum 30. September Zeit, ihre Autos umzumelden und deutsche Kennzeichen zu erhalten. Dies gilt für alle Fahrzeuge mit ukrainischen Kennzeichen, die vor mehr als einem Jahr nach Deutschland eingereist sind. Erfahren Sie mehr über das Verfahren der Wiederzulassung sowie über die Zulassung eines Autos in Deutschland

01 Sep. 2024

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Travel What to see on the way from Kyiv to Odessa: top unusual and interesting places to visit

What to see on the way from Kyiv to Odessa: top unusual and interesting places to visit

The route from Kyiv to Odesa is one of the most popular among Ukrainians, but many of those who use it don't even know what they can see on the way to these cities. Find out what you should see along the way and beyond

01 Sep. 2024

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Popular In which countries do Ukrainians most often open businesses abroad?

In which countries do Ukrainians most often open businesses abroad?

Ukrainians are actively opening businesses abroad, thus supporting their compatriots in different countries. Find out where Ukrainian companies are most often registered and what services they offer

01 Sep. 2024

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Popular Main changes for Ukrainians from September 1: tariffs, subsidies, payments, prices

Main changes for Ukrainians from September 1: tariffs, subsidies, payments, prices

The summer of 2024 is coming to an end, and Ukrainians will face some changes starting September 1. Find out whether tariffs and taxes will rise in September, whether fuel prices will rise, in which European countries Ukrainian refugees need to reissue their documents, and some other important changes

01 Sep. 2024

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Finance Pensions in Poland for Ukrainians: who is eligible for payments and under what conditions?

Pensions in Poland for Ukrainians: who is eligible for payments and under what conditions?

Citizens of Ukraine residing in Poland may be eligible for a pension, but only if they meet certain requirements, including insurance record and retirement age. Find out more about the requirements for receiving money and how your work experience in Ukraine can be taken into account

01 Sep. 2024

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Finance Cash assistance from the UN for IDPs 2024: how to get it

Cash assistance from the UN for IDPs 2024: how to get it

This year, the UN Refugee Agency continues to provide financial assistance to IDPs and people affected by the war. Find out more about what is required to receive funds and the application process

31 Aug. 2024

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