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Popular Does Ireland plan to return Ukrainian refugees home: the government's response

Does Ireland plan to return Ukrainian refugees home: the government's response

Ireland has expressed its position on the possibility of returning Ukrainian refugees home while the war continues. Find out more about whether they intend to send Ukrainian refugees back to Ukraine

12 Jan. 2024

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Für Flüchtlinge Which German states are hosting Ukrainians in January: addresses of camps

Which German states are hosting Ukrainians in January: addresses of camps

In January, Ukrainian refugees continue to be accepted in various federal states of Germany. Find out more about the addresses of the camps and accommodation conditions

12 Jan. 2024

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Regeln für die Einreise How to enter Ukraine in 2024: checkpoints and queues at the borders

How to enter Ukraine in 2024: checkpoints and queues at the borders

Currently, Ukraine can only be reached by land, as there are no air connections to the country. Find out more about which border crossing points you can enter and where the longest queues are usually recorded

12 Jan. 2024

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For foreigners in UA How to apply for e-residency in Ukraine: algorithm of actions for foreigners

How to apply for e-residency in Ukraine: algorithm of actions for foreigners

A foreigner has the right to acquire the status of an electronic resident after submitting an application through the uResidency information system. Find out who can apply and what is required

12 Jan. 2024

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1 min

Krieg Ukraine is among the twenty most powerful armies in the world: Global Firepower rating

Ukraine is among the twenty most powerful armies in the world: Global Firepower rating

Ukraine is among the twenty most powerful armies in the world according to the annual ranking by Global Firepower. This is an impressive recognition of the significant efforts that Ukraine is making to bring the long-awaited victory closer. Find out more about the ranking of the Ukrainian army this year

11 Jan. 2024

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Finance Ukrainians will have their electricity cut off for unpaid utility bills: The Cabinet of Ministers canceled the moratorium

Ukrainians will have their electricity cut off for unpaid utility bills: The Cabinet of Ministers canceled the moratorium

The government has decided to lift the moratorium on disconnecting electricity supply to Ukrainians for non-payment of utility bills. Find out more about how fines will be charged for unpaid utility bills and what Ukrainians abroad should do

11 Jan. 2024

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Travel Where can I fly from the airports closest to Ukraine?

Where can I fly from the airports closest to Ukraine?

Despite the closed airspace over Ukraine, citizens continue to actively travel to different countries around the world. The only available travel option is to use the airports of neighboring countries. Find out more about where you can get to from the airports closest to Ukraine

11 Jan. 2024

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2 min

Popular putin's death, the US election assassination, and the digital apocalypse: a list of spoilers or what will be the black swan of 2024?

putin's death, the US election assassination, and the digital apocalypse: a list of spoilers or what will be the black swan of 2024?

Futurists, political scientists, and forecasters have figured out what unexpected but quite possible events could lead to a global upheaval and chaos. Find out what could be a shock and provoke a real apocalypse in the world this year

11 Jan. 2024

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