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Für Flüchtlinge More and more Ukrainians are choosing the Czech Republic to start and develop their own business: latest data

More and more Ukrainians are choosing the Czech Republic to start and develop their own business: latest data

Despite the challenges of the war, Ukrainian citizens are actively opening their businesses in other EU countries. This helps Ukrainians integrate and adapt to new cultural and economic environments. Here's how many Ukrainians choose the Czech Republic to develop their business

05 Nov. 2023

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Popular Warum lesen die Ukrainer aus den Grenzregionen russische Nachrichten?

Warum lesen die Ukrainer aus den Grenzregionen russische Nachrichten?

Einige Ukrainer erhalten regelmäßig Informationen über die Ereignisse in der Ukraine aus russischen Quellen. Erfahren Sie mehr darüber, wie viele Ukrainer russische Medien lesen und warum sie die Informationskanäle des Aggressorlandes wählen

05 Nov. 2023

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Transport How to get from Prague to Kyiv: features of buying and using a single ticket

How to get from Prague to Kyiv: features of buying and using a single ticket

Another Czech carrier has opened the sale of single tickets for passengers traveling from the Czech Republic to Ukraine. Find out how to travel to Kiev and other Ukrainian cities with a connection in Peremyshl by buying a single train ticket

05 Nov. 2023

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Für Flüchtlinge Temporary protection until 2025: will Ukrainian refugees be able to stay in the Czech Republic longer?

Temporary protection until 2025: will Ukrainian refugees be able to stay in the Czech Republic longer?

Refugee protection and the status of Ukrainians in the Czech Republic and other EU countries are now under threat, as the temporary protection granted to Ukrainian citizens expires in 2025. Find out more about what the Czech authorities propose for the future of those who are in the country with refugee status

05 Nov. 2023

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Popular The Ukrainian language is becoming more prevalent on social media: more than 90% of Instagram posts in 2023 were created in Ukrainian

The Ukrainian language is becoming more prevalent on social media: more than 90% of Instagram posts in 2023 were created in Ukrainian

The Nightingale language is gaining popularity among the population. A significant development in the use of the Ukrainian language on social media was noted in 2023. This trend demonstrates the growing interest of users in using their native language in the online environment and support for national cultural heritage. Find out more about the regions where Ukrainian is used the most

04 Nov. 2023

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Transport Lufthansa City Airlines: was ist über die neue Fluggesellschaft in Europa bekannt?

Lufthansa City Airlines: was ist über die neue Fluggesellschaft in Europa bekannt?

Die deutsche Fluggesellschaft hat den Start einer neuen Mittelstreckenfluggesellschaft angekündigt. Erfahren Sie mehr über die neue Tochtergesellschaft und wann und wo die neuen Flüge verfügbar sein werden

04 Nov. 2023

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Travel How traveling will be popular: the main travel trends of the future are named

How traveling will be popular: the main travel trends of the future are named

The State Agency for Tourism Development has identified key tourism trends that will shape the future development of the tourism industry. These trends include a wide range of aspects, from environmental sustainability and support for local communities to the popularity of new, lesser-known destinations and gastronomic tourism. Find out more about what travel will be relevant

04 Nov. 2023

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Health Hepatitis A epidemic in Ukraine: what is the danger and can the disease spread throughout the country?

Hepatitis A epidemic in Ukraine: what is the danger and can the disease spread throughout the country?

A state of emergency has been declared in Vinnytsia region due to an outbreak of hepatitis A, and there are also cases of hepatitis in other regions of Ukraine. Find out why the epidemic is dangerous, how to prevent the disease, and whether there is a threat to the whole of Ukraine

04 Nov. 2023

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