2 min

Travel Why did more than 26 thousand foreigners from the US come to Ukraine in the first half of 2023?

Why did more than 26 thousand foreigners from the US come to Ukraine in the first half of 2023?

The United States ranks 7th in the ranking of countries from which people most often came to Ukraine in 2023. Find out what proportion of foreigners visited Ukraine with a specific purpose and how many travelers were transiting the country

09 Okt. 2023

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2 min

Veranstaltungen Nina Matvienko Dies: Biography of a Great Artist and Cultural Ambassador of Ukraine

Nina Matvienko Dies: Biography of a Great Artist and Cultural Ambassador of Ukraine

One of the brightest stars on Ukraine's artistic horizon was the outstanding singer and performer Nina Matvienko. Her contribution to Ukrainian culture and music is invaluable, as Matvienko's talent has always brought joy and inspiration to people not only in Ukraine but all over the world. Sadly, the People's Artist died just two days short of her 76th birthday

09 Okt. 2023

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2 min

Krieg Why Israel and Palestine are at war: the history of the conflict

Why Israel and Palestine are at war: the history of the conflict

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is part of the broader Arab-Israeli conflict. Find out why Israel and Palestine have been at war for so many years and why Hamas was able to take the Israelis by surprise

09 Okt. 2023

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2 min

Regeln für die Einreise Ukrainians are suddenly restricted from entering russia: what's going on and what moscow fears

Ukrainians are suddenly restricted from entering russia: what's going on and what moscow fears

The occupiers are tightening the rules for allowing Ukrainian citizens to enter their territory from third countries. Read more about how these measures are explained in russia

08 Okt. 2023

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2 min

Krieg Ukrainian special forces conducted operations in Sudan? What is happening in the country and what does Ukraine have to do with it

Ukrainian special forces conducted operations in Sudan? What is happening in the country and what does Ukraine have to do with it

In Sudan since April 2023 the confrontation between the army and local militants, who with the support of PMC "Wagner" tried to organize a coup d'état, continues. Find out how the Sudanese conflict erupted and what operations Ukrainian security services could have carried out in this African country

08 Okt. 2023

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3 min

Travel Prymorskyi Boulevard in Odesa is being reopened for Odessans and tourists

Prymorskyi Boulevard in Odesa is being reopened for Odessans and tourists

Due to the full-scale invasion of russia in 2022, Primorsky Boulevard in Odesa was closed to the public. Find out when one of the most beautiful places in Odesa will be available for walking again

08 Okt. 2023

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2 min

Der Weg zum Sieg Ukrainian youth do not want to leave their homeland and are ready to participate in reconstruction: new poll

Ukrainian youth do not want to leave their homeland and are ready to participate in reconstruction: new poll

The results of a national youth survey conducted on behalf of the International Republican Institute (IRI) show that 89% of young people living in Ukraine see the future of their homeland as bright. Find out more about the percentage of young people who plan to live in Ukraine and take part in its reconstruction

08 Okt. 2023

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2 min

Veranstaltungen Lawyer's Day in Ukraine: when you may need the help of a specialist while traveling

Lawyer's Day in Ukraine: when you may need the help of a specialist while traveling

The Lawyer's Day has recently appeared in the Ukrainian calendar. This holiday brings together lawyers from various fields of activity who defend the rights and freedoms of citizens, carry out document examination, represent the interests of citizens, etc. Find out more about when you may need the help of a specialist when traveling abroad and where to get quality legal services

08 Okt. 2023

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