1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Ukrainians can stay in Israel until the end of the war: what is known

Ukrainians can stay in Israel until the end of the war: what is known

Refugees who have taken refuge in Israel have every right to stay there legally until the war ends. Find out more about how the country helps Ukrainians and how many refugees are currently in Israel

05 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Popular How did the war change the portrait of Ukrainians living in Poland?

How did the war change the portrait of Ukrainians living in Poland?

With the outbreak of war, a huge number of refugees arrived in Poland. At the same time, thousands of Ukrainians returned to defend their homeland. This movement changed the portrait of Ukrainians living in the neighboring country. Find out how Ukrainians in Poland have changed

05 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Documents Returning to Ukraine: how to refuse assistance abroad and what documents are needed

Returning to Ukraine: how to refuse assistance abroad and what documents are needed

Despite the threat of rocket attacks, Ukrainian citizens continue to return home. Find out more about what you need to do before returning to Ukraine from abroad

05 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Der Weg zum Sieg The Road to the EU: Why the Ukrainian economy surprised Europe

The Road to the EU: Why the Ukrainian economy surprised Europe

The European Commission's annual economic report includes Ukraine for the first time. According to experts, the Ukrainian economy has shown unprecedented results of resilience and development in the face of war. Find out what exactly surprised the EU and how it will help Ukraine to join the European Union faster

05 Jun. 2023

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3 min

Veranstaltungen World Environment Day: how russia is destroying Ukraine's nature reserve fund

World Environment Day: how russia is destroying Ukraine's nature reserve fund

Environmental protection is one of the most important responsibilities of humanity. That is why World Environment Day is celebrated around the world on June 5. Learn about how russia is destroying nature and the real state of protected areas in Ukraine

05 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge First Center to be opened in Czech Republic to help rescued Ukrainians: details

First Center to be opened in Czech Republic to help rescued Ukrainians: details

Soon, the first foreign Center for Assistance to Rescued Ukrainians will open in the Czech Republic. There, citizens will be able to access the necessary information and specialized social and psychological support. Find out more about the services that will be available

04 Jun. 2023

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1 min

Culture Stolen history of Ukraine: 12 archaeological treasures taken by russia

Stolen history of Ukraine: 12 archaeological treasures taken by russia

On the territory of modern Ukraine, there were ancient peoples with a developed culture and many important historical events took place. However, even today, russia continues to show its imperial arrogance by appropriating Ukrainian monuments. Learn about 12 archaeological treasures that were taken by russia

04 Jun. 2023

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Krieg International Day of innocent children victims of aggression: how many lives russia has taken

International Day of innocent children victims of aggression: how many lives russia has taken

On June 4, the world marks the International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression. However, Ukraine honors the memory of children who died as a result of russia's armed aggression. Find out how many young Ukrainians died and which regions are leading in terms of child casualties during the war

04 Jun. 2023

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