1 min

Popular Flag, trident and embroidery: top myths about Ukrainian symbols

Flag, trident and embroidery: top myths about Ukrainian symbols

Many Ukrainians and foreigners have their own established ideas about Ukrainian national symbols. Over time, many of them have become real myths. Let's debunk the most common myths about the trident, embroidery and flag

02 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Krieg Mobilization in Ukraine: can relatives of persons liable for military service be served with draft notices?

Mobilization in Ukraine: can relatives of persons liable for military service be served with draft notices?

Conscription to the Armed Forces is ongoing in Ukraine. Citizens often face questions about the rules for serving calls. One of them is whether relatives of persons liable for military service can be served. Find out more about when this is possible

02 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Popular Only Ukraine has this: the uniqueness of our land and its importance for the whole world

Only Ukraine has this: the uniqueness of our land and its importance for the whole world

Ukrainian resources are of enormous global importance. It is not without reason that their total value is estimated not even in billions but in trillions of dollars. Find out more about the resources of Ukraine that are critical for the whole world

01 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Finance How much money do Ukrainians need to be happy: research findings

How much money do Ukrainians need to be happy: research findings

In order to survive, one person needs UAH 10 thousand per month, and about UAH 20 thousand will be the basis for a confident life. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by Active Group. Find out more about the amount of money that will make Ukrainians feel comfortable

01 Mai. 2023

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Estonia closes information centers for Ukrainians: where to get help now

Estonia closes information centers for Ukrainians: where to get help now

Since May, information centers for refugees have been closed in Estonia. Here's where Ukrainians can get help in the country in the future

01 Mai. 2023

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2 min

Travel Demand for tourism is growing in Ukraine despite rising travel prices: details

Demand for tourism is growing in Ukraine despite rising travel prices: details

Ukrainians find time and desire to travel. It helps to take a break from everyday life and recharge. Join Up! conducted a study and found out how the demand for tourism among Ukrainian citizens increased in 2023

30 Apr. 2023

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Popular Eight famous Ukrainians who changed the world

Eight famous Ukrainians who changed the world

Human history knows the names of many Ukrainians who have influenced and continue to influence its course. Their names should be known and remembered. Learn more about famous Ukrainians who have influenced the world

30 Apr. 2023

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2 min

Krieg How long will russia have enough money to fight against Ukraine?

How long will russia have enough money to fight against Ukraine?

Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine has been going on for over a year. The aggressor spends huge financial resources on it. Find out more about how long the russian economy will be able to finance the fighting in Ukraine

30 Apr. 2023

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