2 min

Travel SkyUp opens an airline in the EU: an exclusive interview about the new project and whether it will affect the company's return to Ukraine

SkyUp opens an airline in the EU: an exclusive interview about the new project and whether it will affect the company's return to Ukraine

Ukrainian airline SkyUp will soon open its own airline in the EU. Find out in more detail when the company plans to launch flights and whether special offers are planned for Ukrainians

11 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Arbeit Work in Poland: what specialists are needed, where to look for vacancies and popular professions

Work in Poland: what specialists are needed, where to look for vacancies and popular professions

Ukrainians who found refuge in Poland continue to find work. Currently, there are certain professions in the country that are quite in demand. Learn more about what specialists are currently needed in Poland and where to look for work

11 Jan. 2023

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2 min

Cost of living Cost of living in Denmark: rent, utilities, monthly expenses and medicine

Cost of living in Denmark: rent, utilities, monthly expenses and medicine

The standard of living in Denmark is much higher than in most countries of Southern Europe. Find out more about the cost of renting a house, utilities, food and entertainment in the country

11 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Travel Customs rules of Ukraine: what can be imported from abroad?

Customs rules of Ukraine: what can be imported from abroad?

Many foreign citizens come to Ukraine. Travelers need to remember the rules for crossing the state border. Find out more about what can be imported into Ukraine through the green and red customs corridors

10 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Arbeit Employment in Germany: what specialists are needed, learning the language and where to look for a job

Employment in Germany: what specialists are needed, learning the language and where to look for a job

Refugees from Ukraine in Germany continue to look for work. Currently, certain professions are in demand, and employers are actively looking for specialists. Learn more about what specialists are currently needed in Germany

10 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Finance Financial assistance to Pole's card (Karta Polaka) holders in 2023: the amount of payments, who can receive them and a list of documents

Financial assistance to Pole's card (Karta Polaka) holders in 2023: the amount of payments, who can receive them and a list of documents

Citizens of Ukraine who have issued a Pole's Card can count on financial assistance to cover living expenses. Learn more about the amount of payments Poland offers and how to get them

10 Jan. 2023

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2 min

Cost of living Cost of living in Cyprus: monthly expenses, rent, transport and food

Cost of living in Cyprus: monthly expenses, rent, transport and food

Beaches, blue sea, picturesque landscapes make Cyprus quite attractive for life. Learn more about the cost of renting housing, utilities and food on the island

09 Jan. 2023

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1 min

Popular How to return to Ukraine from Britain and close all payments: instructions for Ukrainians

How to return to Ukraine from Britain and close all payments: instructions for Ukrainians

Refugees from Ukraine who have gone to Britain since the beginning of the full-scale invasion are increasingly interested in returning to their homeland. Learn more about how to return home and close all payments if you entered the Ukraine family scheme and Ukraine sponsorship scheme

09 Jan. 2023

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