1 min

Travel How Lviv lives during the war and which places are a must-see: an exclusive interview with a local guide

How Lviv lives during the war and which places are a must-see: an exclusive interview with a local guide

Find out about the complete list of must-visit places in Lviv, paid and free entertainment, as well as a checklist of an ideal day in the city of Lviv

12 Dez. 2022

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2 min

Popular Ukrainian borscht, French baguette, Neapolitan pizza: products and dishes under the protection of UNESCO

Ukrainian borscht, French baguette, Neapolitan pizza: products and dishes under the protection of UNESCO

The dishes that are known all over the world and familiar to everyone are included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage

12 Dez. 2022

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1 min

Transport New rules for car registration in Ukraine: what is known

New rules for car registration in Ukraine: what is known

What changes in the procedure of registration and re-registration of vehicles in Ukraine will take place from December 14

11 Dez. 2022

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1 min

Krieg The phenomenon of Ukrainian donations, or how Ukrainians collect millions in a war-torn country

The phenomenon of Ukrainian donations, or how Ukrainians collect millions in a war-torn country

How the true culture of donation was born in Ukraine and why Ukrainians have become one of the most united nations in the world

11 Dez. 2022

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1 min

Ausbildung How many people around the world study the Ukrainian language: annual report

How many people around the world study the Ukrainian language: annual report

According to the Duolingo application, in 2022 there was a surge among those who wanted to know the Ukrainian language. Demand is observed even in countries far from us

11 Dez. 2022

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1 min

Popular Croatia joins the Schengen zone: what will change for the country and tourists?

Croatia joins the Schengen zone: what will change for the country and tourists?

Euro instead of kuna and new rules for entering Croatia from January 1, 2023

11 Dez. 2022

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1 min

Für Flüchtlinge Will Ukrainians return home: survey among immigrants in Poland and Germany

Will Ukrainians return home: survey among immigrants in Poland and Germany

The migration platform EWL and the Center for East European Studies of the University of Warsaw found out how many Ukrainians plan to stay abroad because of stable work.

10 Dez. 2022

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1 min

Documents Is my passport ready: checking the status of the document

Is my passport ready: checking the status of the document

Detailed instructions on how to check the status of the production of a foreign passport

10 Dez. 2022

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