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18 Dez. 2022


The Health4Ukraine program is open again: how Ukrainians can get 500 zlotys for medicine in Poland

Für Flüchtlinge
The Health4Ukraine program is open again: how Ukrainians can get 500 zlotys for medicine in Poland

In Poland, registration for the Health4Ukraine program is open, with the help of which Ukrainians receive money for medicines in local pharmacies. Learn more about how to participate in the program

Choose reliable health insurance for Ukrainians with guaranteed payments
Choose reliable health insurance for Ukrainians with guaranteed payments

Registration for the Health4Ukraine program has reopened in Poland, with the help of which Ukrainians who have come to Poland since the beginning of the full-scale war can get medicine in local pharmacies. How to participate in the program and what the budget is, read below.

Thus, the program provides for the allocation of 500 zlotys, of which 350 zlotys go to cover prescription drugs and 150 to non-prescription drugs. As part of this program, up to 100,000 Ukrainians currently living in Poland will be able to receive assistance.

What are the terms of the program?

Ukrainians who arrived in Poland after the start of the full-scale war will be able to use the Health4Ukraine program. In order to receive assistance, it is necessary to provide a document confirming the issuance of a PESEL number.

Both adults and minors can apply. At the same time, guardians must submit an application for persons under the age of 18.

How to join the Health4Ukraine program?

1. fill out the electronic registration form (https://health4ukraine.com/en/register);

2. wait until your application and data are checked by the organizers;

3. after which you will receive a message to the e-mail address specified during registration. The message contains a barcode with numbers, which allows you to buy medicine at the pharmacy, as well as to log in on the website or in a special application.

Note that the application will be approved if your application is filled out correctly. However, if you sent an application and did not receive a response within 30 minutes, you most likely made a mistake when filling it out. Therefore, you should try to fill out the application again and send it again.

After you apply, you will receive a message with a barcode that will allow you to participate in the program. It can be used repeatedly until the limit is exhausted.

At the same time, when the funding reaches the limit, you can apply for repeated assistance. This is allowed in cases where a person has chronic diseases and has used the means provided for in the first code.

How to use a bar code in a pharmacy?

You buy medicines at your own expense and send a document (receipt, VAT invoice and prescription, if the medicine was bought with a prescription) confirming the purchase to the specified email address and apply for reimbursement.

It is worth noting that all Polish pharmacies participate in the program.

We will remind you! In Poland, amendments were made to the law on assistance to Ukrainians fleeing the war. Learn more about the "freezing" of social security payments when citizens of Ukraine leave Poland, tariffs for accommodation in accommodation facilities, and more at the link.

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