Birth of a child abroad: how to register a baby and rules for returning to Ukraine

Since the beginning of the war, many Ukrainian women were forced to leave their native country and give birth abroad. After being born and receiving a foreign birth certificate, the child also has the right to obtain the citizenship of our country. Learn more about how to register a baby abroad and the rules for returning home
Since the beginning of the full-scale war, millions of Ukrainians have gone abroad. Almost a year after the mass exodus of refugees, many Ukrainian women gave birth to children outside the country. We tell you how to register a newborn abroad and the rules for returning home.
Registration of a child born abroad. Where and how to do it?
Registration of a person's birth and determination of his origin for citizens of Ukraine who live or temporarily stay abroad are carried out by diplomatic missions or consular institutions of Ukraine.
The registration process takes place at the place of birth or at the place of residence of the child's parents or one of them (with a written application). At the same time, in case of illness, death of the parents or for other reasons it is impossible to register the birth - the application can be submitted by relatives or other persons authorized by the representative of the health care institution in which the child was born or is currently.
Who registers a newborn abroad?
You can register the birth of a child only at the consulate. There, the determination of his origin and the assignment of his surname, first name, and patronymic are carried out.
The application for registration must be submitted immediately, but no later than one month after the birth of the child, and in the case of a stillborn child - no later than three days.
What is required for registration?
• a document from a medical institution about the birth of a child, passports certifying the identity of the parents;
• application (written or addressed orally) to enter information about the father.
Registration is free, and based on its results, parents are issued a birth certificate.
How to return to the homeland with a child born in the EU?
In order for Ukrainians to return home with a child born in the EU, they must have with them:
• a document certifying his identity;
• a child's birth certificate issued by a consular institution.
It is worth noting that according to the Law "On the procedure for the departure from Ukraine and the entry into Ukraine of citizens of Ukraine" it is stipulated that no citizen of Ukraine may for any reason be restricted in the right to enter the territory of Ukraine.
You should also know that documents issued by a consular institution are recognized as valid in Ukraine only after their legalization, unless otherwise provided by law or an international treaty of Ukraine.
If the legalization was not carried out by a competent body of another state, a diplomatic mission or a consulate of Ukraine, after returning home it is necessary to contact the department of state registration of civil status acts to register the child.
Is the status of a citizen of Ukraine preserved during the birth of a child in the EU?
A newborn Ukrainian in the EU retains the status of a citizen of Ukraine. Data on citizenship and nationality in the act record of birth and certificate are not filled in, which is why a corresponding entry is made in the column "For marks".
In addition, a person whose parents or one of his parents were citizens of Ukraine at the time of his birth is a citizen of Ukraine. The place of birth of the baby does not affect the possibility of him acquiring Ukrainian citizenship.
We will remind you! Newborn children can receive citizenship at the place of birth. In which countries a child can obtain citizenship by birthright, read in our material.
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