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03 Jan. 2023


Airbnb again provides free housing for refugees from Ukraine in Poland: booking conditions

Für Flüchtlinge
Airbnb again provides free housing for refugees from Ukraine in Poland: booking conditions

Ukrainians can get free housing in Poland using Airbnb. Such an offer will be valid only in the capital of the country and only for those who arrived in the city after the start of a full-scale war. Learn more about how to rent housing and under what conditions

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The Airbnb service, with the support of the Polish branch of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is once again providing free temporary housing for refugees from Ukraine who arrived after February 24, 2022.

Where can I get free Airbnb accommodation?

Such an offer will be valid only in Warsaw and only for those who arrived in the city after the start of a full-scale war, and also did not previously use free housing from the company.

Ukrainians can rent housing for 6 to 90 days, depending on the situation.

How to book free accommodation?

To apply for help with temporary housing, you must write to the e-mail: [email protected] or call the number: +48 22 490 20 44. In the application, you must specify the region in which you are located.

Free housing will be provided to Ukrainians at:

• emergency or transit stay of up to 6 nights;

• short-term stay for 8-29 nights;

• extended stay (only in exceptional situations after agreement with the landlord) from 30 to 90 days, but not longer than until February 28, 2023.

Pay attention! As part of the assistance, temporary free housing will be provided only to women (including those with children) or, as an exception, to men of vulnerable categories (pensioners, persons with disabilities or chronic diseases). Priority is given to socially vulnerable categories of the population and persons with disabilities.

As you know, Poland has become the leader in the number of immigrants from Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, about 1.5 million of our fellow citizens have found refuge there.

We will remind you! Ukrainian families have the right to receive cash assistance for adults and children in 2023. Find out in more detail which programs of financial assistance to Ukrainian families are currently available in Poland and how to receive payments by following the link.

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