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14 Jan. 2023


New rules of social assistance and placement of Ukrainians in the Netherlands: what you need to know

Für Flüchtlinge
New rules of social assistance and placement of Ukrainians in the Netherlands: what you need to know

The Netherlands continues to provide assistance to Ukrainians who have found refuge in the country. However, in the near future, new rules for the assistance and accommodation of refugees will enter into force. Learn more about what changes are being implemented

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

New rules are being introduced in the Netherlands for Ukrainian refugees who moved there after the start of a full-scale war. We tell you what has changed and how it will affect the accommodation and social assistance of Ukrainians.

The new rules will be introduced in the country in two stages: the first - December 1, 2022, the second - February 1, 2023.

How have the rules for Ukrainians in the Netherlands changed since December 2022?

• some concepts are now explained in the new rules. In particular, what is "family" (grandparents are not considered family), displaced persons, municipal shelters, private shelters and wage loss assistance (you can read more about the new clarifications here);

• the municipality will be able to communicate more quickly and more clearly about such issues as registration and deregistration in the municipality, rules of conduct in municipal reception centers (shelters) and legal assistance with an application for temporary protection;

• refugees who need long-term care, for example in a clinic or hospital, will also receive social assistance for clothing and personal expenses. It will amount to 56.12 euros;

• for voluntary (volunteer) work in and around the municipal shelter, citizens will be able to receive a fee of 14 euros per week. This will not affect the amount of social assistance.

• if refugees do not appear at the shelter for more than 28 days, the municipality can deprive them of their place of residence and social benefits.

What changes are expected for refugees from Ukraine in the Netherlands from February?

So, from February 1, 2023, social assistance for food, clothing and extra payment for host families will change for Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands. This will improve benefits for asylum seekers, refugees and people on welfare.

The new payments will be as follows:

• food payments (previously €205 per person) will depend on family size. The more people, the smaller the amount per person:

1. if your family consists of 1 or 2 people, you will receive 215.06 euros per adult and 178.36 euros per month per minor;

2. if the family consists of three people, you will receive 171.99 euros per month per adult and 142.57 euros per month per minor;

3. if the family consists of four or more people, you will be paid 150.45 euros per month per adult and 124.97 euros per month per minor;

4. if you are given food in the municipal shelter, then payment for these expenses is not provided.

• the amount for clothing and personal expenses (previously EUR 55 per person) will be increased to EUR 56.12 per month per person;

• if refugees live with private individuals, they will also receive housing allowance (previously 215 euros per adult and 55 euros per minor) in the amount of 93 euros per person per month.

In addition, from February 1, the rules for payments to working refugees will change. If a person aged 18 years and older goes to work, then the payment for the accommodation of the entire family will be stopped. This will also happen if someone in the family receives benefits from the Dutch government, for example through unemployment or disability.

We will remind you! Earlier we talked about the cost of living in the Netherlands. Read about how much it will cost to live in one of the most expensive countries in Europe in our material.

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