The only social assistance in Italy (L'Assegno unico): what it is and who can claim benefits

The only social assistance is provided for dependent children, as well as for disabled children. However, there are certain limitations. Learn more about who is entitled to receive special assistance and what documents are required for registration
The only social assistance (L'Assegno unico) in Italy can be received by some sections of the population. How to apply for assistance, who can apply for it and all about the conditions for providing funds - read on.
What is L'Assegno unico?
L’Assegno unico is the only social assistance in Italy that can only be received by dependent children under the age of 21 and disabled children of any age. Any family with children living in Italy can apply for a single social assistance. It is noted that the amount of assistance is regulated depending on the financial situation of the family according to ISEE, but the presence of ISEE is not a mandatory condition for obtaining assistance. Also, when calculating the amount, the number of children in the family, their age and the presence of disabilities are taken into account.
Earlier we explained that ISEE is an indicator of the financial situation of people living in Italy in order to provide them with the appropriate benefits. Learn more about where to apply for the relevant document here.
Who can expect to receive a single social assistance?
• Minor dependent children;
• Newborn children from 7 months of pregnancy;
• Adult students and dependent students under the age of 21;
• Adults up to 21 years of age who are currently undergoing an internship, and their total income does not exceed 8,000 euros per year;
• Adults up to 21 years of age who are registered with the state employment service;
• Adults up to 21 years of age who are engaged in socially useful work;
• A dependent disabled child of any age.
Can foreigners get the single social assistance in Italy?
Foreigners who currently live in Italy can expect to receive a single social assistance under the following conditions:
• Having a long-term residence permit in the European Union;
• Having a work-related residence permit for more than 6 months;
• Having a residence permit in connection with scientific research activities for a period of more than 6 months;
• Having a residence permit for more than 6 months in connection with seasonal or hired work;
• Having a residence permit for more than 6 months in connection with caring for minor children;
• Having a residence permit for more than 6 months due to special protection, especially in cases of violence or exploitation.
If your residence permit has expired, if it is renewed, you will be able to continue to receive single social assistance. You can lose the right to social assistance only in case of cancellation or refusal of a residence permit in Italy.
It is also noted that foreigners who received a residence permit in Italy in connection with job search, study, internship, electoral residence and other cases that are not in the previous list do not have the right to receive single social assistance.
How to issue single social assistance in Italy?
There are two options for applying for single social assistance:
• You can apply online through the INPS website. At the same time, when filling out the application, it is necessary to use SPID credentials, an electronic identification card or a national services card, choosing a regular or pre-filled ISEE form.
• You can also contact CAF to apply for assistance. In other words, to specialized organizations: trade unions, patronages or to organizations authorized to provide tax assistance.
We will remind you! Previously, we talked about how to extend a residence permit (Permesso di soggiorno) in Italy. You can get acquainted with the detailed instructions by following the link.
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