The level of wages in different countries of the European Union can differ significantly. Find out more in which EU countries you can earn more in 2023 and how the minimum wage differs
The minimum wage in Europe is a controversial issue that is constantly changing. It varies from country to country: in some states the minimum wage is set, while in others it is left to the discretion of individual employers and trade unions. We tell you how the minimum wage differs in the EU and where Europeans earn more.
Statistics on the minimum wage in Europe are published by Eurostat. The agency's document refers specifically to the national minimum wage, which applies to all workers, or at least to the vast majority of workers in different countries.
As of January 1, 2023, 22 of the 27 member states of the European Union had a minimum wage. At the same time, the EU countries without a national minimum wage were: Denmark, Italy, Austria, Finland and Sweden - there the level of remuneration is determined by the employer and the trade union.
In which EU countries is the minimum wage higher, and where is it paid less?
The monthly minimum wage varies greatly between member states, from €399 in Bulgaria to €2,387 in Luxembourg.
To determine the level of salary, the countries were divided into 3 groups: the 1st group includes countries with a monthly salary of 399 to 840 euros, the 2nd group - countries with a salary from 887 to 1304 euros, and the 3rd group groups - countries with a minimum salary of 1,700 euros per month.
Who is included in the 1st group:
Bulgaria – 399 euros;
Hungary – 579 euros;
Romania – 606 euros;
Latvia – 620 euros;
Croatia – 700 euros;
Slovakia – 700 euros;
Czech Republic – 717 euros;
Estonia – 725 euros;
Poland – 746 euros;
Malta – 835 euros;
Lithuania - 840 euros.
II group:
Portugal – 887 euros;
Spain – 1167 euros;
Slovenia – 1,304 euros.
III group:
France – 1,709 euros;
Ireland – 1,910 euros;
The Netherlands - 1,934 euros;
Belgium – 1,955 euros;
Germany – 1,981 euros;
Luxembourg – 2387 euros.
As for Ukraine, the minimum wage in our country has been set at 6,700 hryvnias since January 1, 2023, which is equal to about 168 euros.
We will remind you! Ukrainians who found refuge in Turkey continue to look for work and find employment. Where you can find vacancies and what professions are needed in this country, read our material.
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