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26 Mai. 2023


Ukrainians in Germany: what opportunities citizens without temporary protection have

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Ukrainians in Germany: what opportunities citizens without temporary protection have

Ukrainians who have recently moved to Germany have different rights than those who left at the beginning of the war. Find out more about how to stay in the country for more than 90 days and other options available to citizens without temporary protection

An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine
An insurance policy is a guarantee of your safety and peaceful stay outside of Ukraine

Many Ukrainians have moved to Germany since the start of the full-scale war, but some of them arrived there later. The period of legal stay of such citizens in this country after their first entry is 90 days. However, what to do if you want to stay in this country for a longer period, and what options do such persons have? We tell you below.

Temporary protection status in Germany: benefits and legal advice - more details here.

Entering Germany

As a general rule, foreign nationals need a residence permit to enter Germany and stay in the country legally - for example, a visa or a residence permit.

However, there is currently an exception due to the war in Ukraine: refugees in Germany are temporarily exempt from the obligation to obtain a residence permit. As of today, this exemption is valid for the first entry until May 31, 2023, for a period of 90 days. Thus, the maximum period of visa-free stay in Germany is until August 29, 2023.

How do I stay in Germany?

Due to the fact that refugees themselves have no influence on the timing of the application by the relevant office, it is sufficient to submit an application during the 90-day period during which a visa-free stay in Germany is legally permitted. In other words, the application for a residence permit must be submitted within the 90-day period from the date of first entry to the Aliens Office in the place of residence. 

For this purpose, Ukrainians have to inform themselves on the website of the city or the Aliens' Office of their place of residence. When the application is submitted, the state of "legal residence" is maintained until a decision is made on the application - even after August 29, 2023, a so-called temporary certificate of legal residence (Fiktionsbescheinigung) is issued.

It is also important to note that your relatives have the right to move in with you from Ukraine until May 31st and settle with you. They will receive a residence permit as part of family reunification and will receive the same social assistance.

Which relatives are we talking about?

● Your husband or wife;

● a partner with whom you are in a long-term relationship but are not married. He or she has temporary protection status;

● minor children;

● grandparents who have been living in Ukraine since the beginning of the war and are supporting the person who moved to Germany.

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What rights Ukrainians have before the decision to extend their stay in the country?

According to the portal Ukrainian in Germany, while you are waiting for a decision on the extension of your stay in Germany, you have the right to apply for social assistance and, in the future, for employment. The basis for this is refugee status and the need for social protection in another country.

You can also apply for a residence permit within the three-month period for other reasons, such as training or employment. Another option is to apply for political asylum. You have to pay immediate attention to the legal consequences. In particular, if you receive political asylum, you are not entitled to take up employment or change your place of residence from the point of initial reception to your own option.

Medical care for Ukrainians in Germany

If you have not had time to take out insurance in this country, you have the right to emergency care from the state and, in case of an acute illness, to free medication. However, once you have received a residence permit, you have to go to the Social Welfare Office in order to take out health insurance.

You will also have to take out health insurance after you have been employed, because part of your salary is used for medical care. To do this, you have to choose a facility yourself or trust your employer to identify the public insurance company himself.

If an immediate family member has health insurance in Germany, you can join for free under the family insurance. In order to do this, you need to contact a health insurance institution.

You can return to Ukraine for a period longer than 6 months. If you stay longer than this, your legal residence permit in Germany becomes invalid. However, it is possible to notify the Land Office for Immigration that you have a personal matter, but plan to return.

If you decide not to return, you must notify the Administrative Services Office beforehand so that you can be deregistered.

We remind you! Ukrainians in Germany can count on new assistance from Bürgergeld. In particular, starting in July, the Jobcenter is offering new opportunities for refugees to improve their qualifications. How to take advantage of it, we tell you here.

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

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