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26 Mai. 2023


Kyiv is the invincible capital of Ukraine: top tours for the city day

Kyiv is the invincible capital of Ukraine: top tours for the city day

Kyiv Day 2023 falls on the last Sunday of May. On this day, you should take a walk around the Ukrainian capital and get inspired by the city's beauty. Here are some interesting tours for a small but colorful trip

Choose a tour in Ukraine for every taste
Choose a tour in Ukraine for every taste

Traditionally, Kyiv celebrates the city day on the last Sunday of May, this year the holiday fell on May 28. In the conditions of martial law, mass events are not planned, but small concerts and exhibitions will be held in the city.

City Day is a good reason to learn more about the capital, its history, modernity and culture. We have prepared for you a selection of tours that will be able to rediscover Kyiv for you, impress and even surprise you.

A trip to Kyiv - sight-seeing tours of the city

Kyiv is one of the oldest capitals of Europe. In 2023, Kyiv turns 1541. The streets of the city have almost 2,000 monuments of nature, history and culture. You can explore Kyiv and its long history during the Tour of Ancient Kyiv. Accompanied by a professional guide, tourists will visit the main sights of the capital: the Golden Gate, St. Sophia's and St. Michael's Cathedrals, Andriyivsky Uzviz, and get to know the old part of the city - Starokyivska Gora and Podol.

Is it possible to see and understand the capital in one day? Of course it is, for this you only need to go on a trip to Invincible Kyiv. During the tour, tourists will see all the sights of Kyiv, as well as hidden atmospheric courtyards.

Undoubtedly, the ongoing war in Ukraine leaves a big mark on Kyiv. One can list for a long time the districts of the invincible capital, in which residential buildings, commercial real estate, infrastructure facilities, schools, and kindergartens were crushed by rockets. The enemy army planned to capture Kyiv in 3 days, but thanks to the professionalism of the Ukrainian military and the strength and courage of local self-defense, this did not happen. Pages of Kyiv's modern history will also impress tourists.

The soul of Kyiv is hidden in its courtyards

Every day, in the fast rhythm of modern life, we pass many arches, courtyards and passageways and do not even guess what secrets they hide. One of the oldest districts of Kyiv is Podil, which is also called Little Odessa. An individual tour of the courtyards and nooks and crannies of Stary Podol will introduce the tourist to 12 of the most interesting courtyards of Kyiv.

The third square on the central street of Kyiv - Bessarabka - is well known to every Kyivite. One of the unofficial symbols of Kyiv is the Bessarabian market located here, and in the nooks and crannies scattered around it, a lot of secrets are hidden, which only a few know about, because many prominent Ukrainians lived here. The history of the Bessarabian Quarter and the Square is one of the most interesting pages in the history of Kyiv, learn about it during the Bessarabian Square Courtyards tour.

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Secrets of Khreschatyk

Khreschatyk is the main street of Kyiv, which is well known to every local resident and many Ukrainians. However, there is something to surprise Khreschatyk. Few people know that an underground river flows through Samisin Khreshchatyk, which witnessed many historical events. You can learn all the secrets of the main street of the country during an individual excursion "Underground Khreschatyk". The route of the walk will pass through the legendary Kozine Boloto, the Horodetsky Collectorate and the "Gallery of Stars".

Trukhaniv Island

Trukhaniv Island is one of the capital's favorite recreation spots, which is located opposite the central part of Kyiv. It was here that the first beach in the capital appeared, and earlier the imperial yacht club was located here. Not everyone knows the secrets of Trukhanovo Island. Learn more about Kyiv's Venice during an individual tour to Trukhaniv Island.

You can study and explore Kyiv endlessly: get to know the sights, wander its streets, climb the hills or descend to the underground rivers. The city will surprise the traveler every time.

Excursions around Kyiv will be interesting both for guests of the city, who have found themselves on the streets of the capital of Ukraine for the first time, and for native Kyivans, who may also be surprised by the guide's stories.

Are you planning a vacation in Ukraine? Great, because even in times of war, tourism in Ukraine continues to function. Find out more about where you can safely relax your body and soul without traveling abroad in our article.

We recommend purchasing it for a safe and comfortable trip to Ukraine: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - safe travel in Ukraine (insurance covering military risks);

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book bus and train tickets to/from Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Tours - the largest online database of tours to Ukraine for every taste;

Visit Ukraine Hotels - book hotels for a comfortable stay in Ukraine;

Visit Ukraine Merch - choose patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

Cooperation - cooperation and advertising integrations with Visit Ukraine and Visit World projects.

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