A website has been created in Ukraine to protect Ukrainian women and children from human traffickers

Ukraine has created a website safewomen.com.ua - a fast and convenient way to quickly obtain useful information that can protect Ukrainian women and children from human traffickers
The information can be useful for both Ukrainian women who have stayed in Ukraine and those who are abroad.
👉 On the website you can get such useful information as:
🟢 security rules on how to protect yourself from traffickers;
🟢 dangerous signals that you are in a situation of human trafficking (your passport and documents have been confiscated, your communications have been confiscated, your medical care is denied, your freedom of movement, rest and food is restricted, you are kept indoors, you offer unrealistic working conditions and a fantastic salary, you are subjected to physical or sexual violence, pressure, manipulation, etc.);
🟢 advice on what to do and where to turn if you find yourself in a trafficking situation or have witnessed such a situation after crossing the state border.
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