As of mid-March, the Moldovan Ministry of Internal Affairs reported the registration of 100,832 Ukrainian citizens. Of course, while the war is going on at home, all these people need to make a living in Moldova, look for work and cooperate with the country's financial system. Which means, first of all, opening bank accounts and studying the existing payment systems.
As in our country, all banks in the country are taken care of by the National Bank of Moldova - on its website there is a list of all banks currently working.
Special offers from Moldovan banks
The country's financial system almost immediately responded to the dynamics of the arrival of Ukrainians by simplifying the conditions for opening accounts, providing many pleasant preferences and the organization of information support. Read next about some specific, friendly to us banking institutions.
OTP Bank
Cross-national and well-known to Ukrainians for a long time OTP Bank in all countries of its presence has offered exceptional conditions for serving our citizens.
Documents. Passport or identity card.
Account opening procedure. Come with the document to the branch. All branches and ATMs on the map: https://www.mobiasbanca.md/ru/atm-branch-network.
Terms. An account in lei or foreign currency is opened absolutely free of charge, and a card is issued to it both in the national currency of Moldova and in dollars or euros. Access to mobile and internet banking (free of charge for service), cash withdrawal without limits and without commission not only from your own, but also from Ukrainian cards in your branches and ATMs. All Chisinau branches, as well as several border branches, will work with the exchange of cash hryvnia:
Office №46 Brichany, Mihai Eminescu street, 41A
Office №12 Units, Independent st., 77 / A
Office №22 Magpies, Alexandru cel Boone st., 8
Office №48 Rubber street , Aug. 27, 1989, 46
Office №32 Kaushany, Mihai Eminescu street, 12
Branch №6 Anenii-Noi, Concierge National street, 2 (ul. Nacionalnogo Soglasiya, 2)
Office №41 Chadyr-Lunga, Lenin street, 105/5
Office №14 Comrat, Pushkin street, 42
Office №10 Cahul, Republic street, 20/16
Ukrainians with an identity card come without a queue. No more than UAH 5,000 per person can be exchanged for lei per day. Hotline 24/7: +373 22 256 456. Website (in Russian): https://www.mobiasbanca.md/ru.
Moldova Agroindbank (MAIV)
Documents. Domestic (with Latin) or foreign Ukrainian passport.
Account opening procedure. After opening an account, in three days you will be given a card for free, but if you need the card faster, you can get it next day for 10 euros. Currency name cards are delivered during one day to any part of the country, except the municipality of Bender and the left bank of the Dniester. You need to have a Moldovan SIM card. Map of branches and ATMs: https://www.maib.md/ru/retea-unitati.
Terms. You can immediately deposit up to 10,000 euros (no documents on the origin of money etc are required). Internet banking, commission for depositing euros and dollars to the account - 0.8%. Withdrawals at bank branches or ATMs are free of charge. The limit for withdrawing money from Ukrainian cards has been increased: 4,000 lei or the equivalent of $ 100. Contact center: 1313 or +373 22 45 06 03, website - https://www.maib.md/ru/persoane-fizice.
Documents. Identity card (Latin).
Account opening procedure. Go to the bank branch, cards can be ordered online. You will need to sign an application for opening and fill out a questionnaire. Map of branches and addresses with telephone numbers: https://www.fincombank.md/ro/filiale-si-agentii/fx/1825.
Terms. At ATMs of the network cash withdrawal from Ukrainian cards is possible without limits and commissions in lei / dollars / euros (ATMs). Opening an account is free, as is the service. Bank rates. There is internet and mobile banking. Call center: (022) 269999.
ProCredit Bank Moldova
Documents. Passport or residence permit, lease agreement / utility bill or registration certificate at the Refugee Reception Center in Moldova.
Account opening procedure. First you need to register with the bank by filling out a questionnaire. At the bottom there is the "Open an account" button - press and wait until you are contacted by a bank representative, then go to a convenient branch at the appointed time.
Free account opening on the application form, which can be downloaded here (there and on additional cards to the account). Give a contactless debit card. List of branches: https://www.procreditbank.md/ru/filial.
Terms. Terminals and ATMs of the institution are open 24 hours a day. Cash can be withdrawn from Ukrainian VISA in euros or dollars without commission (up to 400 euros or in other currencies in equivalent). The limit is 110,000 lei (5,000 USD / 5,000 EUR). Abroad, you can rent no more than 10,000 euros per month. Here are the ATMs available in the country: https://www.procreditbank.md/ru/bancomate. Online banking and mobile. Tariffs and commissions, depending on the required services, can be found here. Hotline: 0800 000 10, +373 22 27 07 07, e-mail - mda.office@procredit-group.com.
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