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23 Jul. 2024


Which men are eligible to travel abroad in 2024, the list of documents for travel and a new military card

Regeln für die Einreise
Which men are eligible to travel abroad in 2024, the list of documents for travel and a new military card

The new law on mobilization has changed the rules for crossing the border for men. Find out which categories of men can leave Ukraine without hindrance and what documents they need to have

Legal advice for Ukrainians
Legal advice for Ukrainians

The new law on mobilization in Ukraine came into force on May 18, 2024. It introduced certain changes to the system of registration of persons liable for military service, the procedure for passing the military medical examination, and the rules for crossing the border. 

Which men have the right to travel abroad in 2024 and what documents are required? Let's find out further.  

Have the border crossing rules changed?

Starting May 18, 2024, employees of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine will check the availability of military registration documents of persons who have the right to leave in accordance with paragraphs 2-6 of the Rules for Crossing the State Border of Ukraine. 

This means that when planning to leave Ukraine, most categories of men will need to first clarify their data with the MCC and the SP and enter information about the deferment in their military registration document.

For which citizens are required to have military registration documents when crossing the border and what are the exceptions, read here

Lawyers also say that according to the new law, the military registration document must have a VIN code. It is this code that must be presented at the request of representatives of the military registration and enlistment center, police, and border guards. Therefore, persons liable for military service who are eligible to travel abroad must come to the CCC and receive a military registration document with a VIN code, which is then read by border guards with special devices and thus gain access to the personal file of the person liable for military service in electronic form.

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What categories of men can travel abroad?

The provisions of the law on mobilization do not change the rules for crossing the border for men aged 18 to 60, which are regulated by the Cabinet of Ministers' Resolution No. 57. 

Men who are not subject to conscription or have the right to deferment are allowed to travel outside Ukraine. Of course, if they can prove this with relevant documents.

First of all, men over the age of 60 are eligible to travel outside Ukraine, as the age of military service in Ukraine is between 18 and 60. 

There are also a number of people of military age who have the right to travel: 

1. Men whose close relatives (wife, son, daughter, father, mother, siblings, etc.) were killed or went missing during the ATO or in the course of deterring armed aggression against Ukraine during martial law. 

List of documents for departure: documents confirming family ties and the fact of death or disappearance of close relatives and a certificate of deferment from military service (a corresponding note in military registration documents). documents) issued by the CC or JV. 

2. Men deregistered for health reasons

List of documents for departure: men of this category, in addition to the standard package of documents, a certificate from the MCC and a military registration document, must have a disability certificate or a decision of the medical commission on their unfitness for military service. At the same time, men with limited fitness for service cannot leave Ukraine during martial law.

3. Temporarily unfit men

List of documents required for departure: disability certificate or conclusion of the military medical commission (MMC) confirming the status of temporary unfit for military service for up to 6 months.

4.Men with disabilities of groups I, II, III

The list of documents for departure: a certificate of form No. 157-1/о, a certificate confirming the status of a disabled person, as well as a pension certificate or a document confirming the appointment of social assistance. In this case, the disability document must be obtained in Ukraine. If the disability group was assigned abroad, the man will not be able to leave Ukraine. 

If a man has only a mark from the MCC and JV “deregistered from military registration”, this is not a reason to cross the border without hindrance. It does not confirm the fact of disability or unfitness for military service in the military for health reasons. Therefore, you should apply to the TSC and the JV for the relevant documents.

5. Men accompanying a person with a disability of group I or II or a sick relative

The list of documents for departure: a relevant doctor's report or a document approved by the medical advisory commission. At the same time, you can cross the border only if you are accompanied by a sick person/person with a disability. If a person tries to cross the border alone, even if he or she has all the necessary documents, he or she will be denied entry. These rules also apply to those who leave Ukraine to care for sick parents, spouses or children.

6. Men with many children with three or more minor children

List of documents for departure: birth certificates of all children, marriage/divorce certificates, as well as a decision of the guardianship authority or a father's certificate of a large family.

A man with three or more children may cross the border without children if he has the relevant documents or their notarized copies.

If the man does not live with his children, he must provide evidence that he is supporting them: a court decision on alimony and a certificate from the executive service confirming the status of alimony payments.

Child support arrears of more than three months deprive a man of the right to deferral and border crossing. 

Given that all men had to update their personal data in the TCC and SP, this category of citizens also needs to undergo a VLK and receive a corresponding mark in their document.

Please note! The list of required documents to confirm the right to deferral on the basis of custody of three or more children has been expanded. The new resolution additionally requires an agreement between a man and his former spouse stating that he participates in the maintenance of his minor children. Details are available here.

7.Men raising children on their own

The list of documents for departure: the child's birth certificate, as well as the mother's death certificate, or a court decision to deprive the mother of parental rights, or a document declaring the mother missing or declaring the mother dead.

8. Men (military) traveling for treatment, rehabilitation or training

The list of documents for departure: a referral for treatment abroad and a letter from the Ministry of Health stating that a foreign healthcare institution accepts him/her for treatment. If a serviceman is going to military training, the military unit that sends him abroad informs him about the package of documents required for this purpose.

9. Male drivers 

List of documents for departure: the company where the driver works must have a license for international transportation of goods. And information about such an organization must be entered into the information system of Ukrtransbezpeka.

10. Male volunteers

List of documents for traveling abroad: the “Shlyakh” program is provided for men engaged in volunteer activities to travel abroad. At the same time, they can also submit documents for the transportation of goods for the Armed Forces, medical supplies or humanitarian aid.

11. Male railway workers and sailors

List of documents for departure: to cross the border, a man must work on international flights and provide, along with the standard package of documents, an employment contract, a letter from the ship owner or operator about the intention to conclude a contract.

12. Male athletes and coaches

List of documents for departure: only by the decision of the Ministry of Youth and Sports on inclusion in the list of participants of a sports event or competition. Or upon a letter from the Minister on the participation of these persons in the competition.

13. Men working in the field of culture 

List of documents for travel: obtain permission from the Ministry of Culture, have an official request for travel, as well as an invitation from the event organizer.

Travel for students in 2024 

On April 2, 2024, Resolution No. 366 on Amendments to the Rules for Crossing the State Border by Citizens of Ukraine was adopted, which allowed male students to leave:

- Those aged between 18 and 22, so they are not subject to military service during mobilization.

- They are studying full-time at Ukrainian higher education institutions of state or municipal ownership and are obtaining a bachelor's degree (master's degree in medicine, pharmacy or veterinary medicine).

- Participate in educational academic mobility.

- They go to study at foreign educational institutions for 1 semester.

However, it is worth noting that this category of citizens must also update their data in the TCC and have military registration documents with the appropriate marks. 

Important! It is the border guards at the checkpoint who decide whether to let a person liable for military service through or not based on an analysis of all the person's documents.

In what cases can men who have the right to leave be refused to cross the border?

Starting July 17, 2024, a military registration document is a prerequisite for crossing the border for men aged 18 to 60. Both paper and electronic versions of the document can be presented. In case of absence of a military registration document, the border crossing to leave Ukraine will be denied. 

Another possible ground for refusal to cross the border is if the Unified State Register of Conscripts, Persons Liable for Military Service and Reservists contains information about the person being wanted by the National Police. Representatives of law enforcement agencies will be immediately called to the checkpoint to carry out administrative detention of the person and bring him to the nearest territorial center for recruitment and social support.

The categories of persons who, in accordance with the Rules for Crossing the Border by Citizens of Ukraine, are allowed to leave Ukraine have not been changed at this time.

We remind you! The Ministry of Defense has launched a new service that allows you to sign up for an electronic queue at the recruitment center. Read more about which cities already have online registration, how to use it, and what documents are required to visit the TSC.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

Ihor Usyk is the Head of Legal Department at Visit Ukraine

To get comprehensive information on the current rules for crossing the state border, use the legal support on our service. Our lawyers will answer all your questions and help you solve your urgent issues.

Do you have additional questions? Contact the Visit Ukraine hotline (Telegram | WhatsApp).

Our recommendation for a safe and comfortable trip: 

Visit Ukraine Insurance - insurance for a safe stay abroad without unnecessary expenses;

Green Card - compulsory car insurance for traveling abroad;

Visit Ukraine Tickets - book tickets for buses, trains, and airplanes to/from Ukraine and between cities around the world;

Private Lawyer service - professional legal support on visa and migration issues;

Visit Ukraine Merch - buy patriotic clothing and accessories with worldwide delivery.

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