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05 Apr. 2024


NATO to set up special mission to help Ukraine: what it means

NATO to set up special mission to help Ukraine: what it means

A meeting of the Ukraine-NATO council at the level of foreign ministers has been held in Brussels. As a result of the talks, it became known that the alliance wants to launch a special mission to help Kiev. Find out what the essence of this project is and what scenarios NATO gives regarding the continuation of the war in Ukraine

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The foreign ministers of NATO member states have agreed to set up a special mission of the alliance to increase assistance to Ukraine. This was announced by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski after a meeting of the Ukraine-NATO council, RMF24 reported.

What it means

As Sikorski noted, this does not mean that NATO will go to war. However, the Alliance will now use its planning and training capabilities in a more coordinated manner.

According to him, the main goal of the mission's creation is to increase the provision of military and financial assistance to Ukraine. Also, in particular, it is expected that the Ukrainian military will "more actively" study in Poland.

In addition, as reported earlier, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg suggested that the alliance create a fund of 100bn euros to be allocated to Ukraine over five years. Now this idea is at the level of discussion, however, many countries support the idea.

NATO: war forecasts

After the meeting of the Ukraine-NATO council on 4 April, the secretary-general said that NATO allies could provide Ukraine with more assistance to de-occupy the territories. Otherwise, the situation in the country may turn out to be even more dangerous.

According to the NATO secretary-general, there are two scenarios for the development of events: first, NATO allies may provide their assistance to Ukraine and the Ukrainian army will be able to regain more territory; second, this may not happen and Ukraine will lose even more territory, and the situation in Ukraine may become even more dangerous.

It is worth noting that the controversy around support for Ukraine has been going on for a long time. Moreover, there are different positions within NATO on what assistance to Kyiv should look like. For example, French President Emmanuel Macron said that he did not rule out that Western countries would send their military to Ukraine. Although this view is not supported by all members of the Alliance.

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Why is it so important for NATO to protect Ukraine?

First of all, the North Atlantic alliance, as part of its assistance to Ukraine, is trying to show its direct adversary, russia, that their alliance is more decisive and stronger than putin's regime.

Also, NATO would not want to get into a direct war with russia, but it appears that putin has other plans that include conflict with the West.

If a war between NATO and russia is inevitable, then of course the Alliance would like to weaken the russian army before it can attempt to attack a NATO member country.

But on the other hand, Western countries should completely reconsider their security policy on their territory, because at the moment the level of functioning of the Western military-industrial complex is not as high as in Russia, which has been trying to occupy Ukraine for the second year already and has switched its economy to military rails.

For more details on what actions the Kremlin can expect from the West in the near future and whether Europe is ready for it, read here.

NATO - 75 years old

The Alliance is celebrating its 75th anniversary against the backdrop of one of the most tense periods since the Cuban Missile Crisis. It can be assumed that this will be a crucial year for the military alliance, as for the first time in a long time, NATO countries stand on the brink of war and need resolve.

A bit of history

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is a military-political bloc that unites most of the countries of Europe, the United States of America and Canada.

NATO came into existence after the signing of the Brussels Pact in 1948 between Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. The parties agreed on the principles of collective security, that is, they pledged to defend any party to the pact that would be attacked.

Today, the Alliance has 32 members and three candidates for membership - Bosnia, Georgia and Ukraine.

NATO has an army of 40,000 multinational Response Forces, but beyond that, NATO's total active military forces number 3.2 million.

Article 5 is one of the most famous principles of the Alliance, which states that if one member country of the bloc becomes a victim of an armed attack, the other members will consider this act as an attack on all NATO countries. And, accordingly, will take the necessary steps for collective defence.

We remind you! President Emmanuel Macron of France (a country that is one of the main members of NATO) has recently spoken out sharply about the war in Ukraine. If earlier he spoke more loyally about putin, now he is ready to send his troops to Ukraine. Read here what the change in his rhetoric may be related to and what intra-European competition has to do with it.

We remind you! Ukrainian drones have struck again in russia. The attack was aimed at the production of enemy kamikaze drones. Here's a look at what was used to attack the plant and what new drones Ukraine is using.

Want to know more? Read the latest news and useful materials about Ukraine and the world in the News section.

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