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16 Okt. 2024


Portugal will start issuing humanitarian visas: what is it and for whom?

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Portugal will start issuing humanitarian visas: what is it and for whom?

Portugal is introducing humanitarian visas for people who are being persecuted in their home countries. Find out how the new law simplifies the asylum process and what benefits it provides to asylum seekers

Legal assistance on migration issues for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad
Legal assistance on migration issues for Ukrainians in Ukraine and abroad

The Portuguese parliament recently approved a revolutionary bill to create a humanitarian visa. According to CM, the new law will open the door for people who are being persecuted in their home countries, giving them the opportunity to obtain a special visa to enter Portugal to apply for political asylum. What this means and how it will work is described in the article below.

How to apply for temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine in Portugal was described in a previous article.

What is a humanitarian visa?

A humanitarian visa is a special type of visa designed to protect persons facing persecution in their home country. It allows citizens to legally enter Portugal to apply for political asylum without being exposed to the risks of illegal migration.

Who is the humanitarian visa for?

The humanitarian visa is intended for:

● Persons who are being persecuted in their country of citizenship

● People in need of international protection

● Potential asylum seekers who cannot safely return to their country or are fleeing conflicts

How will the new migration system in Portugal work for asylum seekers?

According to the new law:

1. Applicants will be able to initiate the asylum process with a tourist visa.

2. The visa can be obtained in the applicant's country of nationality or in a third country, provided that they have a valid residence permit.

3. “The Liberal Initiative (the party responsible for drafting the law) plans to allow humanitarian visas to be obtained at Portuguese embassies in any country, eliminating the need to return to the country of origin.

What are the benefits of the new law?

Currently, the law stipulates that in order for a foreign national or stateless person to be granted political asylum in Portugal, they must submit a request on the national territory to the Agency for Integration, Migration and Asylum (AIMA) or other authorities. Therefore, the main benefits of the new law are focused on simplifying this process. Namely:

● Reduced risks for asylum seekers and simplified conditions: applicants will be able to apply for asylum outside Portugal without risking their lives during “illegal” travels to the country. The visa can be obtained at the Portuguese embassy in any country.

● A legal path to safety: the law creates an official and safe path for people in need of protection.

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When will the law on humanitarian visas start working?

The draft law is currently being considered by the Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Issues, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees. This committee is to develop a detailed procedure for issuing humanitarian visas. The process is expected to include:

1. Determining the eligibility criteria for a humanitarian visa.

2. Establishing a procedure for submitting and reviewing applications.

3. Developing mechanisms for verifying applicants to ensure security.

Portugal's initiative to introduce humanitarian visas is an important step towards protecting human rights and assisting those seeking safety from persecution. This decision not only reflects the country's humanitarian values, but can also serve as a model for other states in addressing the global refugee crisis. It remains to be seen how this initiative will develop further and how it will be implemented in practice.

We remind you! Portugal is a wonderful country that many people choose to move to. Read more about the cost of living in Portugal, rental housing and food prices in our previous article.

Photo: iStock

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