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18 Okt. 2024


Obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine for foreigners: the most common problems and ways to solve them

For foreigners in UA
Obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine for foreigners: the most common problems and ways to solve them

Obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine can be fraught with many difficulties for foreign nationals. Find out how to avoid problems, shorten the processing time and successfully obtain documents

Legal assistance on entry, stay and legalization of foreigners in Ukraine
Legal assistance on entry, stay and legalization of foreigners in Ukraine

Obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine is an important step for foreigners, but the process can be complicated and requires careful preparation. Failure to properly complete the documents or to comply with the requirements may result in a refusal or delay in issuing a residence permit. The main difficulties that may arise when applying for a residence permit and how to circumvent obstacles and avoid difficulties together with a lawyer are described in the article below.

The main problems when applying for a residence permit

1. Incorrect execution of documents

One of the most common reasons for refusal to obtain a residence permit is incorrect or incomplete paperwork. The requirements for their execution are strict, and even the slightest inaccuracy can be a reason for refusal. This often concerns incorrectly filled out questionnaires, lack of necessary copies, or incorrectly executed invitations.

How a lawyer can help: a lawyer will ensure that all documents are filled out correctly in accordance with the applicable law, minimizing the risk of refusal.

2. Problems with confirming the grounds for residence

Foreigners have the right to obtain a residence permit only if they have certain grounds: work, study, volunteering, marriage to a Ukrainian citizen, etc. However, if the grounds do not meet the requirements or are not properly confirmed, there is a risk of refusal.

How a lawyer can help: a specialist will assess the compliance of your grounds for residence and help you prepare the necessary supporting documents.

3. Delays in processing documents

Bureaucracy often slows down the process of document review. Foreigners may face the loss of documents, requests for additional explanations, or a long application processing time.

How a lawyer can help: a specialist monitors all stages of the process, applies to the relevant authorities to speed up the consideration of the case and helps to avoid delays.

4. Language barrier

Many foreigners face problems due to insufficient knowledge of the Ukrainian language or legislation. This usually leads to misinterpretation of requirements or procedures.

How a lawyer can help: a specialist will help with the translation of documents, explain the requirements and act as your representative in dealing with government agencies.

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5. Inconsistency in the conditions of stay

Problems often arise because the actual conditions of a foreigner's stay do not meet the requirements for obtaining a residence permit. For example, working without the appropriate permits or lack of proof of legal residence may be a reason for refusal.

How a lawyer can help: a specialist will help you obtain all permits, taking into account the specifics of your situation, and ensure that the conditions meet legal requirements.

6. Refusal to issue a residence permit

Foreigners may be denied a residence permit for formal or factual reasons, such as violation of the migration regime, insufficient financial resources, or errors in documents. In this case, it is important to know your rights and possible ways to appeal.

How a lawyer can help: if you are denied, a lawyer will prepare an appeal, help you appeal the decision and, if possible, ensure that your application is reconsidered.

Obtaining a residence permit in Ukraine is a complex process that requires knowledge of the law and a careful approach to the preparation of documents. Even a minor mistake can lead to delays or refusal to issue a residence permit. Contacting an experienced lawyer will provide you with professional support at every stage: from preparing documents to solving problems that arise in the process. Legal support will help you avoid mistakes, shorten the processing time and guarantee success in obtaining a residence permit.

To order a consultation or receive full legal support, please follow the link.

We remind you! Residence of foreigners in Ukraine with expired documents can lead to serious problems. Read what to do if your passport or residence permit has expired, how to act in different situations, and what peculiarities exist for citizens of different countries in our previous article.

Photo: Freepik

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