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21 Okt. 2024


Kamianets-Podilskyi Fortress: what attracts thousands of tourists to one of the most magnificent defensive structures in Eastern Europe?

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Kamianets-Podilskyi Fortress: what attracts thousands of tourists to one of the most magnificent defensive structures in Eastern Europe?

Kamianets-Podilskyi Fortress, located in the Khmelnytskyi region, attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year. The story of its creation is a legend, and its high walls have been a symbol of Eastern Europe's defence capability for centuries. Find out the history of the fortress, its legends and interesting places, hypotheses of its origin and the most impressive architectural elements

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Tours to unbreakable Ukraine. Find out more on the website

The Kamianets-Podilskyi fortress receives over 200,000 tourists every year, including hundreds of foreigners. The museum is visited by foreign delegations and is regarded as a model of monumental architecture by art universities. The Old Fortress receives the most visitors. Scientists are still arguing about the time of its origin (as well as the Castle Bridge). The castle has been a strong defensive point for centuries, and now it is a godsend for researchers of the life and way of life of the border towns of the past centuries. There is artillery, a pottery, and a bakery - everything you need for a long siege. Visitors seem to fall back in time by 500 years. Read about what you can see, what you can do in the Kamianets-Podilskyi fortress, and how to get there in this article.

What do we know about the Kamianets-Podilskyi fortress and what hypotheses exist about its origin?

Today, one of the most popular fortresses in Ukraine, Kamianets-Podilskyi became extremely famous in the 15th century, when it performed important defensive functions in eastern Europe. At that time, it was part of the powerful fortifications of Kamianets, the capital of the Podillia principality. The fortress, as well as the city, has repeatedly passed under the leadership of different states, since 1928 it has been a key element of the Kamianets National Historical and Architectural Reserve, and since 2007 it has been included (along with the entire reserve complex) in the list of the Seven Wonders of Ukraine. The first walls of the fortress were laid in the 11th century, but it was completed by the 16th century.

At the moment, there are different opinions about the period of construction of the fortress. The first official mention of the fortress is recorded in the 14th century, when the citizens of Kamianets were granted the Magdeburg right ‘on the castle’ (i.e. in the fortress). Therefore, no one denies the existence of the building in the period of Kyivan Rus. However, Yevheniia Plamenytska, an architectural historian, and her daughter, Olha Plamenytska, an architect-restorer, put forward and developed the hypothesis that the fortress, the legendary Castle Bridge, and the city of Kamianets itself originated in the Roman Empire, namely in the 2-3 centuries AD.

What services does the Kamianets-Podilskyi Fortress offer to visitors?

1. Visiting exhibitions that recreate the pages of the history of Kamianets and the fortress.

2. Possibility to hold marriage ceremonies.

3. Free Wi-Fi access

4. Free online audio guide services.

5. Observation of the 3D model of the fortress in high quality (the model was created by the Skeiron team at the initiative of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine and with the financial support of the Alif Foundation)

What can you visit in the Kamianets-Podilskyi fortress?

Historical experimental laboratory

One of the expositions is dedicated to the origins of the city of Kamianets-Podilskyi and the fortress near it. First of all, it is about the settlement and settlements in the time of Danylo Halytskyi, the establishment of the Koriatovych dynasty and the development of the historical state ‘Podillia Principality.’

The main activity of the laboratory is scientific and historical seminars to specify historical methods and resolve controversial issues.

Exposition ‘Castle Artillery’

The New Western Tower displays countless local weapons of the 15th-18th centuries. There are cannons, hooks, stone and iron balls, and other types of hand-held small arms. You can also take a closer look at the assault ladders.

The information stands on the walls depict the peculiarities of the fortress' armament in different eras and the specifics of the development of military engineering at different stages.

Exposition ‘Torture chamber’

In the 18th century, only Kyiv, Lviv, and Kamianets-Podilskyi had their own executioner. Local guides will tell you that the executioner is not only about execution, but also about qualified interrogation. You can find out everything about the specifics of torture and executions in 18th-century Western Ukraine, the salary and tools of the executioner, and places for public punishment in Kamianets during the exhibition.

Pottery workshop

The pottery workshop in the lower tier of the Papal Tower has been operating since 2012 as part of the Living Fortress project. The potter Oleh Khrapan, who is known all over Ukraine, works here. You can watch him work or book a masterclass and create your own masterpiece.


In the fortress, you can see an authentic 17th-century camping stove recreated in Oleg Shulyk's bakery near the White Tower. Bread and bread products are made here according to authentic recipes that have been lost in some areas. You can see the process of baking bread - from grinding to baking, listen to the story of the master and buy baked goods for your relatives and friends.

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What are the fortress opening hours?

The fortress is open to visitors daily from 9:00 to 17:00. Please note that the ticket office stops selling tickets half an hour before closing time.

How do I get to the Kamianets-Podilskyi Fortress?

The fortress is located in the city of Kamianets-Podilskyi, so you need to build routes to it.

From Khmelnytskyi

Kamianets-Podilskyi can be reached by direct train from Khmelnytskyi. The journey time is 2 hours. 45 min. However, the departure times are not very convenient - 20:47 and 20:59, and you will arrive in Kamianets-Podilskyi at midnight. If you choose to travel by train, we recommend booking a hotel room in advance.

Buses on the route run regularly throughout the day. Tickets are available here.

From Kyiv

You can get to Kamianets from Kyiv by bus (see the ticket links above) or by train. There are two daily buses from the capital - at 8:26 and 23:32. The journey time is about 9 hours.

From Lviv

From Lviv, Kamianets can be reached by bus or train. The train Uzhhorod - Kamianets-Podilskyi departs daily from Lviv at 22:50 and arrives in Kamianets at 08:36. The journey takes about 10 hours.

You can learn much more about the extraordinary fortress during a special tour from Visit Ukraine.

To make your trip a success, please contact Visit Ukraine specialists (Telegram | WhatsApp). We guarantee the choice of the best route, booking of tickets and hotels, insurance, and guide services for the route you choose. Travelling with us!

Photo: Ethnosvit

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